Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Red Hat, Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package main_test
Tests if all migrations can be performed and giving the correct sequence of
SQL statements.
Generated documentation is available at:
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
main ""
utils ""
TestMigrationErrorDuringQueryingMigrationInfo1 test checks proper handling
query errors during retrieving migration info from database (concretely
during checking if migration table contains any value).
func TestMigrationErrorDuringQueryingMigrationInfo1 ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected SQL query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
the (only) query will throw an error
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migration should end with error
migrate to version 1
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 1 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestMigrationErrorDuringQueryingMigrationInfo2 test checks proper handling
query error during retrieving migration info from database (concretely
during reading actual database version).
func TestMigrationErrorDuringQueryingMigrationInfo2 ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected SQL queries performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
first query will succeed
second query will throw an error
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migration should end with error
migrate to version 1
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 1 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0001MigrationStepUp test checks migration #1, step up part.
func Test0001MigrationStepUp ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
initial database version
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "0" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultCreate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultUpdate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedCreate := "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS event_targets .*"
expectedUpdate := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedCreate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultCreate )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 1
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 1 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0001MigrationStepUpOnMigrationFailure test checks migration #1 in case
the table create fails.
func Test0001MigrationStepUpOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
initial database version
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "0" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedCreate := "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS event_targets .*"
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
table create will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedCreate ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 1
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 1 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0001MigrationStepDown test checks migration #1, step down part.
func Test0001MigrationStepDown ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "1" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultDrop := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultUpdate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedDrop := "DROP TABLE event_targets"
expectedUpdate := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedDrop ) . WillReturnResult ( resultDrop )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 0
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 0 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0001MigrationStepDownOnMigrationFailure test checks migration #1, step
down part in case table update fails
func Test0001MigrationStepDownOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "1" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedDrop := "DROP TABLE event_targets"
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
drop table will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedDrop ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migration should end with error
migrate to version 0
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 0 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0002MigrationStepUp test checks migration #2, step up part.
func Test0002MigrationStepUp ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "0" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultCreate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultUpdate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
resultAlter := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedCreate := "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS event_targets .*"
expectedUpdate := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
expectedAlter := "ALTER TABLE reported ADD COLUMN .*"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedCreate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultCreate )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedAlter ) . WillReturnResult ( resultAlter )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 2
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 2 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0002MigrationStepUpOnMigrationFailure test checks migration #2 in case
the migration fails.
func Test0002MigrationStepUpOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
initial database version
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "1" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedAlter := "ALTER TABLE reported ADD COLUMN .*"
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
alter table will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedAlter ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migration should end with error
migrate to version 2
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 2 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0002MigrationStepDown test checks migration #2, step down part.
func Test0002MigrationStepDown ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "2" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultDrop := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultUpdate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedDrop := "ALTER TABLE reported DROP COLUMN event_type_id"
expectedUpdate := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedDrop ) . WillReturnResult ( resultDrop )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 1
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 1 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0002MigrationStepDownOnMigrationFailure test checks migration #2 in case
the migration fails.
func Test0002MigrationStepDownOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "2" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedDrop := "ALTER TABLE reported DROP COLUMN event_type_id"
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
drop table will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedDrop ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migration should end with error
migrate to version 1
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 1 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0003MigrationStepUp test checks migration #3, step up part.
func Test0003MigrationStepUp ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "0" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultCreate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultUpdate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
resultAlter := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultInsert := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 2 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedCreate := "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS event_targets .*"
expectedUpdate := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
expectedInsert := "INSERT INTO event_targets \\(id, name, metainfo\\) VALUES .*"
expectedAlter := "ALTER TABLE reported ADD COLUMN .*"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedCreate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultCreate )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedAlter ) . WillReturnResult ( resultAlter )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedInsert ) . WillReturnResult ( resultInsert )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 3
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 3 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0003MigrationStepUpOnMigrationFailure test checks migration #1 in case
the migration fails.
func Test0003MigrationStepUpOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "0" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultCreate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultAlter := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedCreate := "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS event_targets .*"
expectedInsert := "INSERT INTO event_targets \\(id, name, metainfo\\) VALUES .*"
expectedAlter := "ALTER TABLE reported ADD COLUMN .*"
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedCreate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultCreate )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedAlter ) . WillReturnResult ( resultAlter )
insert into table will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedInsert ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
migration should end with error
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 3
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 3 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0003MigrationStepUp test checks migration #3, step down part.
func Test0003MigrationStepDown ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "3" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultDelete := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 2 )
resultUpdate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedDelete := "DELETE FROM event_targets"
expectedUpdate := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedDelete ) . WillReturnResult ( resultDelete )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 2
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 2 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0003MigrationStepDownOnMigrationFailure test checks migration #1 in case
the migration fails.
func Test0003MigrationStepDownOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "3" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedDelete := "DELETE FROM event_targets"
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
delete from table will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedDelete ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migration should end with error
migrate to version 2
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 2 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0004MigrationStepUp test checks migration #4, step up part.
func Test0004MigrationStepUp ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "3" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultUpdate1 := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
resultAlter := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultUpdate2 := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedUpdate1 := "UPDATE reported SET event_type_id = 1 WHERE event_type_id IS NULL"
expectedAlter := "ALTER TABLE reported ALTER COLUMN event_type_id SET NOT NULL"
expectedUpdate2 := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate1 ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate1 )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedAlter ) . WillReturnResult ( resultAlter )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate2 ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate2 )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 4 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test the 4th migration in case the table update fails.
func Test0004MigrationStepUpOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "3" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedUpdate1 := "UPDATE reported SET event_type_id = 1 WHERE event_type_id IS NULL"
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
table update will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate1 ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migration should end with error
migrate to version 4
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 4 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0004MigrationStepDown test checks migration #4, step down part.
func Test0004MigrationStepDown ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "4" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultAlter := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 2 )
resultUpdate1 := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
resultUpdate2 := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedAlter := "ALTER TABLE reported ALTER COLUMN event_type_id DROP NOT NULL"
expectedUpdate1 := "UPDATE reported SET event_type_id = NULL WHERE event_type_id = 1"
expectedUpdate2 := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedAlter ) . WillReturnResult ( resultAlter )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate1 ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate1 )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate2 ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate2 )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 3
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 3 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test the 4th migration in case the table update fails.
func Test0004MigrationStepDownOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "4" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedAlter := "ALTER TABLE reported ALTER COLUMN event_type_id DROP NOT NULL"
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
alter table will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedAlter ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migration should end with error
migrate to version 3
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 3 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0005MigrationStepUp test checks migration #5, step up part.
func Test0005MigrationStepUp ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "4" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultCreate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultUpdate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedCreate := "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS read_errors .*"
expectedUpdate := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedCreate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultCreate )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 5
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 5 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0005MigrationStepUpOnMigrationFailure test checks migration #5 in case
the migration fails.
func Test0005MigrationStepUpOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
initial database version
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "4" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedCreate := "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS read_errors .*"
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
table create will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedCreate ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 5
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 5 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0005MigrationStepDown test checks migration #5, step down part.
func Test0005MigrationStepDown ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "5" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultDrop := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultUpdate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedDrop := "DROP TABLE read_errors"
expectedUpdate := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedDrop ) . WillReturnResult ( resultDrop )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 4
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 4 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0005MigrationStepDownOnMigrationFailure test checks migration #5 in case
the migration fails.
func Test0005MigrationStepDownOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "5" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedDrop := "DROP TABLE read_errors"
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
drop table will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedDrop ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migration should end with error
migrate to version 4
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 4 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0006MigrationStepUp test checks migration #6, step up part.
func Test0006MigrationStepUp ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "5" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultAlter := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultUpdate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedAlter := `
ALTER TABLE read_errors
DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS read_errors_org_id_fkey,
DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS read_errors_org_id_cluster_updated_at_fkey,
ADD CONSTRAINT read_errors_org_id_cluster_updated_at_fkey
FOREIGN KEY \(org_id, cluster, updated_at\)
REFERENCES new_reports\(org_id, cluster, updated_at\)
expectedUpdate := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedAlter ) . WillReturnResult ( resultAlter )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 6
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 6 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0006MigrationStepUpOnMigrationFailure test checks migration #6 in case
the migration fails.
func Test0006MigrationStepUpOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "5" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedAlter := `
ALTER TABLE read_errors
DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS read_errors_org_id_fkey,
DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS read_errors_org_id_cluster_updated_at_fkey,
ADD CONSTRAINT read_errors_org_id_cluster_updated_at_fkey
FOREIGN KEY \(org_id, cluster, updated_at\)
REFERENCES new_reports\(org_id, cluster, updated_at\)
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
alter table will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedAlter ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 6
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 6 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0006MigrationStepDown test checks migration #6, step down part.
func Test0006MigrationStepDown ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "6" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultAlter := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultUpdate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedAlter := `
ALTER TABLE read_errors
DROP CONSTRAINT read_errors_org_id_cluster_updated_at_fkey,
ADD CONSTRAINT read_errors_org_id_cluster_updated_at_fkey
FOREIGN KEY \(org_id, cluster, updated_at\)
REFERENCES new_reports\(org_id, cluster, updated_at\);
expectedUpdate := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedAlter ) . WillReturnResult ( resultAlter )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 5
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 5 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0006MigrationStepDownOnMigrationFailure test checks migration #6 in case
the migration fails.
func Test0006MigrationStepDownOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "6" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedAlter := `
ALTER TABLE read_errors
DROP CONSTRAINT read_errors_org_id_cluster_updated_at_fkey,
ADD CONSTRAINT read_errors_org_id_cluster_updated_at_fkey
FOREIGN KEY \(org_id, cluster, updated_at\)
REFERENCES new_reports\(org_id, cluster, updated_at\);
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
alter table will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedAlter ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 5
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 5 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0007MigrationStepUp test checks migration #7, step up part.
func Test0007MigrationStepUp ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "6" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultStatement := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultUpdate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedStatements := [ ] string {
"COMMENT ON TABLE event_targets IS 'specification of all event targets currently supported';" ,
"COMMENT ON TABLE migration_info IS 'information about the latest DB schema and migration status';" ,
"COMMENT ON TABLE new_reports IS 'new reports consumed from Kafka topic and stored to database in shrunk format';" ,
"COMMENT ON TABLE notification_types IS 'list of all notification types used by Notification service';" ,
"COMMENT ON TABLE read_errors IS 'errors that are detected during new reports collection';" ,
"COMMENT ON TABLE reported IS 'notifications reported to user or skipped due to some conditions';" ,
"COMMENT ON TABLE states IS 'states for each row stored in reported table';" ,
expectedUpdate := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
for _ , expectedStatement := range expectedStatements {
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnResult ( resultStatement )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 7
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 7 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0007MigrationStepUpOnMigrationFailure test checks migration #7 in case
the migration fails.
func Test0007MigrationStepUpOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "6" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedStatement := "COMMENT ON TABLE event_targets IS 'specification of all event targets currently supported';"
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
statement to change comment will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 7
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 7 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0007MigrationStepDown test checks migration #7, step down part.
func Test0007MigrationStepDown ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "7" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
resultStatement := sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 1 )
resultUpdate := sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedUpdate := "UPDATE migration_info SET version=\\$1;"
expectedStatements := [ ] string {
"COMMENT ON TABLE event_targets IS null;" ,
"COMMENT ON TABLE migration_info IS null;" ,
"COMMENT ON TABLE new_reports IS null;" ,
"COMMENT ON TABLE notification_types IS null;" ,
"COMMENT ON TABLE read_errors IS null;" ,
"COMMENT ON TABLE reported IS null;" ,
"COMMENT ON TABLE states IS null;" ,
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
for _ , expectedStatement := range expectedStatements {
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnResult ( resultStatement )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedUpdate ) . WillReturnResult ( resultUpdate )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 6
assert . NoError ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 6 ) )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
Test0007MigrationStepDownOnMigrationFailure test checks migration #7 in case
the migration fails.
func Test0007MigrationStepDownOnMigrationFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( "7" )
count := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
count . AddRow ( "1" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery0 := "SELECT COUNT\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;"
expectedQuery1 := "SELECT version FROM migration_info;"
expectedStatement := "COMMENT ON TABLE event_targets IS null;"
queries to retrieve DB version should succeed
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery0 ) . WillReturnRows ( count )
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery1 ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
statement to change comment will fail
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
so we expect roll back instead of transaction commit
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare list of all migrations
utils . Set ( main . All ( ) )
migrate to version 6
assert . Error ( t , main . Migrate ( connection , 6 ) , mockedError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )