package main
This file contains interface for any consumer that is able to process
messages. It also contains implementation of Apache Kafka consumer.
Generated documentation is available at:
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
tlsutils "github.com/RedHatInsights/insights-operator-utils/tls"
types "github.com/RedHatInsights/insights-results-types"
Common constants used in the following code
const (
key for topic name used in structured log messages
topicKey = "topic"
key for broker group name used in structured log messages
groupKey = "group"
key for message offset used in structured log messages
offsetKey = "offset"
key for message partition used in structured log messages
partitionKey = "partition"
key for organization ID used in structured log messages
organizationKey = "organization"
key for cluster ID used in structured log messages
clusterKey = "cluster"
key for data schema version message type used in structured log messages
versionKey = "version"
key for duration message type used in structured log messages
durationKey = "duration"
Attribute names that are used in incoming messages stored as JSONs
const (
systemAttribute = "system"
fingerprintsAttribute = "fingerprints"
skipsAttribute = "skips"
infoAttribute = "info"
passAttribute = "pass"
analysisMetadataAttribute = "analysis_metadata"
reportsAttribute = "reports"
CurrentSchemaVersion represents the currently supported data schema version
TODO: make this value configurable
const CurrentSchemaVersion = types . SchemaVersion ( 2 )
Report represents report send in a message consumed from any broker
type Report map [ string ] * json . RawMessage
IncomingMessage data structure is representation of message consumed from
any broker. Some values might be missing in incorrectly formatted message so
pointers are used to be able to distinguish true values from nils.
type IncomingMessage struct {
Organization * types . OrgID `json:"OrgID"`
AccountNumber * types . AccountNumber `json:"AccountNumber"`
ClusterName * types . ClusterName `json:"ClusterName"`
Report * Report `json:"Report"`
LastChecked is a date in format "2020-01-23T16:15:59.478901889Z"
LastChecked string `json:"LastChecked"`
Version types . SchemaVersion `json:"Version"`
RequestID types . RequestID `json:"RequestId"`
KafkaConsumer in an implementation of Consumer interface
kafkaConsumer, err := consumer.New(brokerCfg, storage)
if err != nil {
err := kafkaConsumer.Stop()
if err != nil {
type KafkaConsumer struct {
Configuration BrokerConfiguration
ConsumerGroup sarama . ConsumerGroup
Storage Storage
Tracker * PayloadTrackerProducer
numberOfSuccessfullyConsumedMessages uint64
numberOfErrorsConsumingMessages uint64
Ready chan bool
Cancel context . CancelFunc
DefaultSaramaConfig is a config which will be used by default
here you can use specific version of a protocol for example
useful for testing
var DefaultSaramaConfig * sarama . Config
NewConsumer constructs new implementation of Consumer interface
func NewConsumer ( brokerConfiguration * BrokerConfiguration , storage Storage ) ( * KafkaConsumer , error ) {
return NewWithSaramaConfig ( brokerConfiguration , DefaultSaramaConfig , storage )
NewWithSaramaConfig constructs new implementation of Consumer interface with
custom Sarama configuration.
func NewWithSaramaConfig (
brokerConfiguration * BrokerConfiguration ,
saramaConfig * sarama . Config ,
storage Storage ,
) ( * KafkaConsumer , error ) {
var err error
check if custom Sarama configuration is provided
if saramaConfig == nil {
read configuration provided via configuration file and/or
environment variables
saramaConfig , err = saramaConfigFromBrokerConfig ( brokerConfiguration )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "unable to create sarama configuration from current broker configuration" )
return nil , err
consumerGroup , err := sarama . NewConsumerGroup ( strings . Split ( brokerConfiguration . Addresses , "," ) , brokerConfiguration . Group , saramaConfig )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
construct Apache Kafka consumer
consumer := & KafkaConsumer {
Configuration : * brokerConfiguration ,
ConsumerGroup : consumerGroup ,
Storage : storage ,
numberOfSuccessfullyConsumedMessages : 0 ,
numberOfErrorsConsumingMessages : 0 ,
Ready : make ( chan bool ) ,
return consumer , nil
Serve method starts listening for messages and processing them. It blocks
current thread.
func ( consumer * KafkaConsumer ) Serve ( ) {
ctx , cancel := context . WithCancel ( context . Background ( ) )
consumer . Cancel = cancel
go func ( ) {
for {
Consume should be called inside an infinite loop, when a
server-side rebalance happens, the consumer session will need to be
recreated to get the new claims.
if err := consumer . ConsumerGroup . Consume ( ctx , [ ] string { consumer . Configuration . Topic } , consumer ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Unable to recreate Kafka session" )
check if context was cancelled, signaling that the consumer should stop
if ctx . Err ( ) != nil {
log . Info ( ) . Err ( ctx . Err ( ) ) . Msg ( "Stopping consumer" )
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "Created new kafka session" )
consumer is prepared to accept messages
consumer . Ready = make ( chan bool )
} ( )
Await till the consumer has been set up
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "Waiting for consumer to become ready" )
<- consumer . Ready
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "Finished waiting for consumer to become ready" )
Actual processing is done in goroutine created by Sarama
(see ConsumeClaim below)
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "Started serving consumer" )
<- ctx . Done ( )
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "Context cancelled, exiting" )
cancel ( )
Setup is run at the beginning of a new session, before ConsumeClaim
func ( consumer * KafkaConsumer ) Setup ( sarama . ConsumerGroupSession ) error {
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "New session has been setup" )
Mark the consumer as ready
close ( consumer . Ready )
return nil
Cleanup is run at the end of a session, once all ConsumeClaim goroutines have exited
func ( consumer * KafkaConsumer ) Cleanup ( sarama . ConsumerGroupSession ) error {
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "New session has been finished" )
return nil
ConsumeClaim starts a consumer loop of ConsumerGroupClaim's Messages().
func ( consumer * KafkaConsumer ) ConsumeClaim ( session sarama . ConsumerGroupSession , claim sarama . ConsumerGroupClaim ) error {
log . Info ( ) .
Int64 ( offsetKey , claim . InitialOffset ( ) ) .
Msg ( "Starting messages loop" )
try to retrieve offset of latest message consumed
latestMessageOffset , err := consumer . Storage . GetLatestKafkaOffset ( )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Msg ( "Unable to get latest offset" )
latestMessageOffset = 0
log . Info ( ) .
Int64 ( "Offset in DB" , int64 ( latestMessageOffset ) ) .
Msg ( "Latest offset read from database" )
start consuming messages
for message := range claim . Messages ( ) {
msgOffset := types . KafkaOffset ( message . Offset )
skip over old (already consumed messages)
if msgOffset <= latestMessageOffset {
log . Warn ( ) .
Int64 ( offsetKey , message . Offset ) .
Msg ( "This offset was already processed" )
handle new message
consumer . HandleMessage ( message )
session . MarkMessage ( message , "" )
if msgOffset > latestMessageOffset {
latestMessageOffset = msgOffset
log . Info ( ) .
Int64 ( offsetKey , int64 ( latestMessageOffset ) ) .
Msg ( "Updating latest message offset" )
return nil
Close method closes all resources used by consumer
func ( consumer * KafkaConsumer ) Close ( ) error {
if consumer . Cancel != nil {
consumer . Cancel ( )
close consumer group(s)
if consumer . ConsumerGroup != nil {
if err := consumer . ConsumerGroup . Close ( ) ; err != nil {
log . Error ( ) .
Err ( err ) .
Msg ( "Unable to close consumer group" )
if consumer . Tracker != nil {
if err := consumer . Tracker . Close ( ) ; err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "unable to close payload tracker Kafka producer" )
return nil
GetNumberOfSuccessfullyConsumedMessages returns number of consumed messages
since creating KafkaConsumer object
func ( consumer * KafkaConsumer ) GetNumberOfSuccessfullyConsumedMessages ( ) uint64 {
return consumer . numberOfSuccessfullyConsumedMessages
GetNumberOfErrorsConsumingMessages returns number of errors during consuming messages
since creating KafkaConsumer object
func ( consumer * KafkaConsumer ) GetNumberOfErrorsConsumingMessages ( ) uint64 {
return consumer . numberOfErrorsConsumingMessages
HandleMessage method handles the message and does all checking, logging,
metrics update, etc
func ( consumer * KafkaConsumer ) HandleMessage ( msg * sarama . ConsumerMessage ) {
if msg == nil {
log . Error ( ) . Msg ( "nil message" )
log . Info ( ) .
Int64 ( offsetKey , msg . Offset ) .
Int32 ( partitionKey , msg . Partition ) .
Str ( topicKey , msg . Topic ) .
Time ( "message_timestamp" , msg . Timestamp ) .
Msg ( "Started processing message" )
update metric
ConsumedMessages . Inc ( )
try to process the message
startTime := time . Now ( )
requestID , err := consumer . ProcessMessage ( msg )
timeAfterProcessingMessage := time . Now ( )
messageProcessingDuration := timeAfterProcessingMessage . Sub ( startTime ) . Seconds ( )
_ = consumer . Tracker . TrackPayload ( requestID , timeAfterProcessingMessage , StatusMessageProcessed )
log . Info ( ) .
Int64 ( offsetKey , msg . Offset ) .
Int32 ( partitionKey , msg . Partition ) .
Str ( "Request ID" , string ( requestID ) ) .
Str ( topicKey , msg . Topic ) .
Msgf ( "Processing of message took '%v' seconds" , messageProcessingDuration )
Something went wrong while processing the message.
if err != nil {
update metric
ConsumingErrors . Inc ( )
log . Error ( ) .
Err ( err ) .
Msg ( "Error processing message consumed from Kafka" )
consumer . numberOfErrorsConsumingMessages ++
_ = consumer . Tracker . TrackPayload ( requestID , timeAfterProcessingMessage , StatusError )
} else {
The message was processed successfully.
consumer . numberOfSuccessfullyConsumedMessages ++
_ = consumer . Tracker . TrackPayload ( requestID , timeAfterProcessingMessage , StatusSuccess )
totalMessageDuration := time . Since ( startTime )
log . Info ( ) .
Int64 ( "duration" , totalMessageDuration . Milliseconds ( ) ) .
Int64 ( offsetKey , msg . Offset ) .
Msg ( "Message consumed" )
checkMessageVersion function verifies incoming data's version is the
expected one
func checkMessageVersion ( consumer * KafkaConsumer , message * IncomingMessage , msg * sarama . ConsumerMessage ) {
if message . Version != CurrentSchemaVersion {
const warning = "Received data with unexpected version."
logMessageWarning ( consumer , msg , * message , warning )
shrinkMessage function shrink the original message by removing unused parts.
func shrinkMessage ( message * Report ) {
delete all unneeded 'root' attributes
tryToDeleteAttribute ( message , systemAttribute )
tryToDeleteAttribute ( message , fingerprintsAttribute )
tryToDeleteAttribute ( message , skipsAttribute )
tryToDeleteAttribute ( message , infoAttribute )
tryToDeleteAttribute ( message , passAttribute )
tryToDeleteAttribute ( message , analysisMetadataAttribute )
tryToDeleteAttribute function deletes selected attribute from input map. If
attribute does not exists, it is skipped silently.
func tryToDeleteAttribute ( message * Report , attributeName string ) {
_ , found := ( * message ) [ attributeName ]
if found {
delete ( * message , attributeName )
let's ingore 'not-found' state as we just need to remove the
attribute, not to check message schema
ProcessMessage method processes an incoming message
func ( consumer * KafkaConsumer ) ProcessMessage ( msg * sarama . ConsumerMessage ) ( types . RequestID , error ) {
tStart := time . Now ( )
Step #1: parse the incomming message
log . Info ( ) .
Int ( offsetKey , int ( msg . Offset ) ) .
Str ( topicKey , consumer . Configuration . Topic ) .
Str ( groupKey , consumer . Configuration . Group ) .
Msg ( "Consumed" )
message , err := parseMessage ( msg . Value )
if err != nil {
logUnparsedMessageError ( consumer , msg , "Error parsing message from Kafka" , err )
return message . RequestID , err
update metric - number of parsed messages
ParsedIncomingMessage . Inc ( )
logMessageInfo ( consumer , msg , message , "Read" )
tRead := time . Now ( )
_ = consumer . Tracker . TrackPayload ( message . RequestID , tRead , StatusReceived )
Step #2: check message (schema) version
checkMessageVersion ( consumer , & message , msg )
update metric - number of messages with successful schema check
CheckSchemaVersion . Inc ( )
Step #3: marshall report into byte slice to figure out original length
reportAsBytes , err := json . Marshal ( * message . Report )
if err != nil {
logMessageError ( consumer , msg , message , "Error marshalling report" , err )
return message . RequestID , err
update metric - number of marshaled reports
MarshalReport . Inc ( )
logMessageInfo ( consumer , msg , message , "Marshalled" )
tMarshalled := time . Now ( )
Step #4: shrink the Report structure
logMessageInfo ( consumer , msg , message , "Shrinking message" )
shrinkMessage ( message . Report )
shrunkAsBytes , err := json . Marshal ( * message . Report )
if err != nil {
logMessageError ( consumer , msg , message , "Error marshalling skrinked report" , err )
return message . RequestID , err
logShrunkMessage ( reportAsBytes , shrunkAsBytes )
update metric - number of shrunk reports
ShrinkReport . Inc ( )
tShrunk := time . Now ( )
Step #5: check the last checked timestamp
lastCheckedTime , err := time . Parse ( time . RFC3339Nano , message . LastChecked )
if err != nil {
logMessageError ( consumer , msg , message , "Error parsing date from message" , err )
return message . RequestID , err
lastCheckedTimestampLagMinutes := time . Since ( lastCheckedTime ) . Minutes ( )
if lastCheckedTimestampLagMinutes < 0 {
errorMessage := "got a message from the future"
logMessageError ( consumer , msg , message , errorMessage , nil )
return message . RequestID , errors . New ( errorMessage )
update metric - number of messages with last checked timestamp
CheckLastCheckedTimestamp . Inc ( )
logMessageInfo ( consumer , msg , message , "Time ok" )
tTimeCheck := time . Now ( )
kafkaOffset := types . KafkaOffset ( msg . Offset )
Step #6: write the shrunk report into storage (database)
err = consumer . Storage . WriteReportForCluster (
* message . Organization ,
* message . AccountNumber ,
* message . ClusterName ,
types . ClusterReport ( shrunkAsBytes ) ,
tTimeCheck ,
kafkaOffset ,
if err != nil {
if err == ErrOldReport {
logMessageInfo ( consumer , msg , message , "Skipping because a more recent report already exists for this cluster" )
return message . RequestID , nil
logMessageError ( consumer , msg , message , "Error writing report to database" , err )
return message . RequestID , err
update metric - number of messages stored into database
StoredMessages . Inc ( )
update metric - number of bytes stored into database
beware: counter value is represented as float64, not as bytes as you'd expect
StoredBytes . Add ( float64 ( len ( shrunkAsBytes ) ) )
logMessageInfo ( consumer , msg , message , "Stored" )
tStored := time . Now ( )
Step #7: print durations of all previous steps
log durations for every message consumption steps
logDuration ( tStart , tRead , msg . Offset , "Read duration" )
logDuration ( tRead , tMarshalled , msg . Offset , "Marshalling duration" )
logDuration ( tMarshalled , tShrunk , msg . Offset , "Shrinking duration" )
logDuration ( tShrunk , tTimeCheck , msg . Offset , "Time check duration" )
logDuration ( tTimeCheck , tStored , msg . Offset , "DB store duration" )
message has been parsed and stored into storage
return message . RequestID , nil
logshrunkMessage function prints/logs information about status of
shrinking the message.
func logShrunkMessage ( reportAsBytes , shrunkAsBytes [ ] byte ) {
orig := len ( reportAsBytes )
shrunk := len ( shrunkAsBytes )
percentage := 100.0 * shrunk / orig
log . Info ( ) .
Int ( "Original size" , len ( reportAsBytes ) ) .
Int ( "Shrunk size" , len ( shrunkAsBytes ) ) .
Int ( "Ratio (%)" , percentage ) .
Msg ( "Message shrunk" )
checkReportStructure function checks if the report has correct structure
func checkReportStructure ( r Report ) error {
the structure is not well defined yet, so all we should do is to check if all keys are there
expectedKeys := [ ] string {
fingerprintsAttribute ,
reportsAttribute ,
systemAttribute ,
'skips' key is now optional, we should not expect it anymore:
Simialrly, 'info' key is now optional too.
expectedKeys := []string{"fingerprints", "info", "reports", "skips", "system"}
check if the structure contains all expected keys
for _ , expectedKey := range expectedKeys {
_ , found := r [ expectedKey ]
if ! found {
return errors . New ( "Improper report structure, missing key " + expectedKey )
return nil
parseMessage function tries to parse incoming message and read all required
attributes from it
func parseMessage ( messageValue [ ] byte ) ( IncomingMessage , error ) {
var deserialized IncomingMessage
err := json . Unmarshal ( messageValue , & deserialized )
if err != nil {
return deserialized , err
if deserialized . Organization == nil {
return deserialized , errors . New ( "missing required attribute 'OrgID'" )
if deserialized . AccountNumber == nil {
return deserialized , errors . New ( "missing required attribute 'AccountNumber'" )
if deserialized . ClusterName == nil {
return deserialized , errors . New ( "missing required attribute 'ClusterName'" )
if deserialized . Report == nil {
return deserialized , errors . New ( "missing required attribute 'Report'" )
_ , err = uuid . Parse ( string ( * deserialized . ClusterName ) )
if err != nil {
return deserialized , errors . New ( "cluster name is not a UUID" )
err = checkReportStructure ( * deserialized . Report )
if err != nil {
log . Err ( err ) .
Msgf ( "Deserialized report read from message with improper structure: %v" , * deserialized . Report )
return deserialized , err
return deserialized , nil
saramaConfigFromBrokerConfig function reads broker configuration and
construct configuration compatible with Sarama library
func saramaConfigFromBrokerConfig ( brokerConfiguration * BrokerConfiguration ) ( * sarama . Config , error ) {
saramaConfig := sarama . NewConfig ( )
saramaConfig . Version = sarama . V0_10_2_0
if strings . Contains ( brokerConfiguration . SecurityProtocol , SSLProtocol ) {
saramaConfig . Net . TLS . Enable = true
if strings . EqualFold ( brokerConfiguration . SecurityProtocol , SSLProtocol ) && brokerConfiguration . CertPath != "" {
tlsConfig , err := tlsutils . NewTLSConfig ( brokerConfiguration . CertPath )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Msgf ( "Unable to load TLS config for %s cert" , brokerConfiguration . CertPath )
return nil , err
saramaConfig . Net . TLS . Config = tlsConfig
} else if strings . HasPrefix ( brokerConfiguration . SecurityProtocol , "SASL_" ) {
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "Configuring SASL authentication" )
saramaConfig . Net . SASL . Enable = true
saramaConfig . Net . SASL . User = brokerConfiguration . SaslUsername
saramaConfig . Net . SASL . Password = brokerConfiguration . SaslPassword
saramaConfig . Net . SASL . Mechanism = sarama . SASLMechanism ( brokerConfiguration . SaslMechanism )
if strings . EqualFold ( brokerConfiguration . SaslMechanism , sarama . SASLTypeSCRAMSHA512 ) {
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "Configuring SCRAM-SHA512" )
saramaConfig . Net . SASL . Handshake = true
saramaConfig . Net . SASL . SCRAMClientGeneratorFunc = func ( ) sarama . SCRAMClient {
return & SCRAMClient { HashGeneratorFcn : sha512 . New }
return saramaConfig , nil
func saramaProducerConfigFromBrokerConfig ( brokerConfiguration * BrokerConfiguration ) ( * sarama . Config , error ) {
saramaConfig , err := saramaConfigFromBrokerConfig ( brokerConfiguration )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
saramaConfig . Producer . Return . Successes = true
return saramaConfig , nil