package main_test
Unit test definitions for functions and methods defined in source file
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
clowder "github.com/redhatinsights/app-common-go/pkg/api/v1"
main "github.com/RedHatInsights/ccx-notification-writer"
init function is called before tests
func init ( ) {
set default logging level regardles of config made in code
zerolog . SetGlobalLevel ( zerolog . WarnLevel )
mustLoadConfiguration function loads configuration file or the actual test
will fail
func mustLoadConfiguration ( envVar string ) {
_ , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( envVar , "tests/config1" )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
mustSetEnv function set specified environment variable or the actual test
will fail
func mustSetEnv ( t * testing . T , key , val string ) {
err := os . Setenv ( key , val )
assert . NoError ( t , err )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
TestLoadDefaultConfiguration test loads a configuration file for testing
with check that load was correct
func TestLoadDefaultConfiguration ( _ * testing . T ) {
os . Clearenv ( )
mustLoadConfiguration ( "nonExistingEnvVar" )
TestLoadConfigurationFromEnvVariable tests loading the config. file for
testing from an environment variable
func TestLoadConfigurationFromEnvVariable ( t * testing . T ) {
os . Clearenv ( )
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
TestLoadConfigurationNonEnvVarUnknownConfigFile tests loading an unexisting
config file when no environment variable is provided
func TestLoadConfigurationNonEnvVarUnknownConfigFile ( t * testing . T ) {
_ , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( "" , "foobar" )
assert . Nil ( t , err )
TestLoadConfigurationBadConfigFile tests loading an unexisting config file
when no environment variable is provided
func TestLoadConfigurationBadConfigFile ( t * testing . T ) {
_ , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( "" , "tests/config3" )
assert . Contains ( t , err . Error ( ) , `fatal error config file: While parsing config:` )
TestLoadingConfigurationEnvVariableBadValueNoDefaultConfig tests loading a
non-existent configuration file set in environment
func TestLoadingConfigurationEnvVariableBadValueNoDefaultConfig ( t * testing . T ) {
os . Clearenv ( )
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "non existing file" )
_ , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "" )
assert . Contains ( t , err . Error ( ) , `fatal error config file: Config File "non existing file" Not Found in` )
TestLoadingConfigurationEnvVariableBadValueNoDefaultConfig tests that if env
var is provided, it must point to a valid config file
func TestLoadingConfigurationEnvVariableBadValueDefaultConfigFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
os . Clearenv ( )
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "non existing file" )
_ , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config1" )
assert . Contains ( t , err . Error ( ) , `fatal error config file: Config File "non existing file" Not Found in` )
TestLoadBrokerConfiguration tests loading the broker configuration sub-tree
func TestLoadBrokerConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , envVar , "tests/config2" )
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( envVar , "" )
assert . Nil ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file from env var!" )
brokerCfg := main . GetBrokerConfiguration ( & config )
assert . Equal ( t , "localhost:29092" , brokerCfg . Addresses )
assert . Equal ( t , "ccx_test_notifications" , brokerCfg . Topic )
TestLoadStorageConfiguration tests loading the storage configuration
func TestLoadStorageConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , envVar , "tests/config2" )
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( envVar , "" )
assert . Nil ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file from env var!" )
storageCfg := main . GetStorageConfiguration ( & config )
assert . Equal ( t , "sqlite3" , storageCfg . Driver )
assert . Equal ( t , "user" , storageCfg . PGUsername )
assert . Equal ( t , "password" , storageCfg . PGPassword )
assert . Equal ( t , "localhost" , storageCfg . PGHost )
assert . Equal ( t , 5432 , storageCfg . PGPort )
assert . Equal ( t , "notifications" , storageCfg . PGDBName )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , storageCfg . PGParams )
assert . Equal ( t , true , storageCfg . LogSQLQueries )
TestLoadLoggingConfiguration tests loading the logging configuration sub-tree
func TestLoadLoggingConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , envVar , "tests/config2" )
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( envVar , "" )
assert . Nil ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file from env var!" )
loggingCfg := main . GetLoggingConfiguration ( & config )
assert . Equal ( t , true , loggingCfg . Debug )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , loggingCfg . LogLevel )
TestLoadCloudwatchConfiguration tests loading the Cloudwatch configuration sub-tree
func TestLoadCloudwatchConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , envVar , "tests/config2" )
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( envVar , "" )
assert . Nil ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file from env var!" )
cfg := main . GetCloudWatchConfiguration ( & config )
assert . Equal ( t , false , cfg . Debug )
assert . Equal ( t , "aws_secret" , cfg . AWSSecretKey )
assert . Equal ( t , "aws_access_id" , cfg . AWSAccessID )
assert . Equal ( t , "test_stream" , cfg . StreamName )
assert . Equal ( t , "test_group" , cfg . LogGroup )
TestLoadMetricsConfiguration tests loading the metrics configuration sub-tree
func TestLoadMetricsConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , envVar , "tests/config2" )
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( envVar , "" )
assert . Nil ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file from env var!" )
metricsCfg := main . GetMetricsConfiguration ( & config )
assert . Equal ( t , "notification_writer" , metricsCfg . Namespace )
assert . Equal ( t , ":8080" , metricsCfg . Address )
TestLoadConfigurationFromEnvVariableClowderEnabled tests loading the config.
file for testing from an environment variable. Clowder config is enabled in
this case.
func TestLoadConfigurationFromEnvVariableClowderEnabled ( t * testing . T ) {
var testDB = "test_db"
os . Clearenv ( )
explicit database configuration
clowder . LoadedConfig = & clowder . AppConfig {
Database : & clowder . DatabaseConfig {
Name : testDB ,
} ,
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
set environment variable that points to Clowder configuration file
mustSetEnv ( t , "ACG_CONFIG" , "tests/clowder_config.json" )
load configuration using Clowder config
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file" )
check if database configuration has been loaded properly
dbCfg := main . GetStorageConfiguration ( & config )
assert . Equal ( t , testDB , dbCfg . PGDBName )
TestLoadConfigurationNoKafkaBroker test if number of configured brokers are
tested properly when no broker config exists
func TestLoadConfigurationNoKafkaBroker ( t * testing . T ) {
var testDB = "test_db"
os . Clearenv ( )
explicit database and broker configuration
clowder . LoadedConfig = & clowder . AppConfig {
Database : & clowder . DatabaseConfig {
Name : testDB ,
} ,
Kafka : & clowder . KafkaConfig { } ,
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
set environment variable that points to Clowder configuration file
mustSetEnv ( t , "ACG_CONFIG" , "tests/clowder_config.json" )
load configuration using Clowder config
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file" )
retrieve broker configuration that was just loaded
brokerCfg := main . GetBrokerConfiguration ( & config )
check broker configuration
assert . Equal ( t , "localhost:29092" , brokerCfg . Addresses )
assert . Equal ( t , "ccx_test_notifications" , brokerCfg . Topic )
assert . Equal ( t , "test-consumer-group" , brokerCfg . Group )
assert . True ( t , brokerCfg . Enabled )
TestLoadConfigurationKafkaBrokerEmptyConfig test if empty broker config is
loaded via Clowder
func TestLoadConfigurationKafkaBrokerEmptyConfig ( t * testing . T ) {
var testDB = "test_db"
os . Clearenv ( )
just one empty broker configuration
var brokersConfig = [ ] clowder . BrokerConfig {
{ } ,
explicit database and broker configuration
clowder . LoadedConfig = & clowder . AppConfig {
Database : & clowder . DatabaseConfig {
Name : testDB ,
} ,
Kafka : & clowder . KafkaConfig {
Brokers : brokersConfig ,
Topics : [ ] clowder . TopicConfig { } ,
} ,
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
set environment variable that points to Clowder configuration file
mustSetEnv ( t , "ACG_CONFIG" , "tests/clowder_config.json" )
load configuration using Clowder config
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file" )
retrieve broker configuration that was just loaded
brokerCfg := main . GetBrokerConfiguration ( & config )
print ( clowder . KafkaServers )
print ( clowder . LoadedConfig . Kafka )
check broker configuration
assert . Equal ( t , "" , brokerCfg . Addresses )
assert . Equal ( t , "ccx_test_notifications" , brokerCfg . Topic )
assert . Equal ( t , "test-consumer-group" , brokerCfg . Group )
assert . True ( t , brokerCfg . Enabled )
TestLoadConfigurationKafkaBrokerNoPort test loading broker configuration w/o port
func TestLoadConfigurationKafkaBrokerNoPort ( t * testing . T ) {
var testDB = "test_db"
os . Clearenv ( )
just one non-empty broker configuration
var brokersConfig = [ ] clowder . BrokerConfig {
Hostname : "test" ,
Port : nil } ,
explicit database and broker configuration
clowder . LoadedConfig = & clowder . AppConfig {
Database : & clowder . DatabaseConfig {
Name : testDB ,
} ,
Kafka : & clowder . KafkaConfig {
Brokers : brokersConfig } ,
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
set environment variable that points to Clowder configuration file
mustSetEnv ( t , "ACG_CONFIG" , "tests/clowder_config.json" )
load configuration using Clowder config
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file" )
retrieve broker configuration that was just loaded
brokerCfg := main . GetBrokerConfiguration ( & config )
check broker configuration
no port should be set
assert . Equal ( t , "test" , brokerCfg . Addresses )
assert . Equal ( t , "ccx_test_notifications" , brokerCfg . Topic )
assert . Equal ( t , "test-consumer-group" , brokerCfg . Group )
assert . True ( t , brokerCfg . Enabled )
TestLoadConfigurationKafkaBrokerPort test loading broker port
func TestLoadConfigurationKafkaBrokerPort ( t * testing . T ) {
var testDB = "test_db"
os . Clearenv ( )
var port = 1234
just one non-empty broker configuration
var brokersConfig [ ] clowder . BrokerConfig = [ ] clowder . BrokerConfig {
Hostname : "test" ,
Port : & port } ,
explicit database and broker configuration
clowder . LoadedConfig = & clowder . AppConfig {
Database : & clowder . DatabaseConfig {
Name : testDB ,
} ,
Kafka : & clowder . KafkaConfig {
Brokers : brokersConfig } ,
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
set environment variable that points to Clowder configuration file
mustSetEnv ( t , "ACG_CONFIG" , "tests/clowder_config.json" )
load configuration using Clowder config
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file" )
retrieve broker configuration that was just loaded
brokerCfg := main . GetBrokerConfiguration ( & config )
check broker configuration
assert . Equal ( t , "test:1234" , brokerCfg . Addresses )
assert . Equal ( t , "ccx_test_notifications" , brokerCfg . Topic )
assert . Equal ( t , "test-consumer-group" , brokerCfg . Group )
assert . True ( t , brokerCfg . Enabled )
TestLoadConfigurationKafkaBrokerAuthConfigMissingSASL test loading broker auth. config
is correct but missing SASL configuration
func TestLoadConfigurationKafkaBrokerAuthConfigMissingSASL ( t * testing . T ) {
var testDB = "test_db"
os . Clearenv ( )
var port = 1234
var authType clowder . BrokerConfigAuthtype
var brokersConfig [ ] clowder . BrokerConfig = [ ] clowder . BrokerConfig {
Hostname : "test" ,
Port : & port ,
Authtype : & authType ,
} ,
explicit database and broker configuration
clowder . LoadedConfig = & clowder . AppConfig {
Database : & clowder . DatabaseConfig {
Name : testDB ,
} ,
Kafka : & clowder . KafkaConfig {
Brokers : brokersConfig ,
} ,
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
set environment variable that points to Clowder configuration file
mustSetEnv ( t , "ACG_CONFIG" , "tests/clowder_config.json" )
load configuration using Clowder config
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file" )
retrieve broker configuration that was just loaded
brokerCfg := main . GetBrokerConfiguration ( & config )
check broker configuration
assert . Equal ( t , "test:1234" , brokerCfg . Addresses )
assert . Equal ( t , "ccx_test_notifications" , brokerCfg . Topic )
assert . Equal ( t , "test-consumer-group" , brokerCfg . Group )
assert . True ( t , brokerCfg . Enabled )
additionally SASL config should be set too
assert . Equal ( t , "" , brokerCfg . SaslUsername )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , brokerCfg . SaslPassword )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , brokerCfg . SaslMechanism )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , brokerCfg . SecurityProtocol )
TestLoadConfigurationKafkaBrokerAuthConfig test loading broker auth. config
is correct
func TestLoadConfigurationKafkaBrokerAuthConfig ( t * testing . T ) {
var testDB = "test_db"
os . Clearenv ( )
var port = 1234
var authType clowder . BrokerConfigAuthtype
var username = "username"
var password = "password"
var saslMechanism = "mechanism"
var securityProtocol = "security_protocol"
var brokersConfig [ ] clowder . BrokerConfig = [ ] clowder . BrokerConfig {
Hostname : "test" ,
Port : & port ,
Authtype : & authType ,
SecurityProtocol : & securityProtocol ,
proper SASL configuration
Sasl : & clowder . KafkaSASLConfig {
Username : & username ,
Password : & password ,
SaslMechanism : & saslMechanism ,
} ,
} ,
explicit database and broker configuration
clowder . LoadedConfig = & clowder . AppConfig {
Database : & clowder . DatabaseConfig {
Name : testDB ,
} ,
Kafka : & clowder . KafkaConfig {
Brokers : brokersConfig ,
} ,
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
set environment variable that points to Clowder configuration file
mustSetEnv ( t , "ACG_CONFIG" , "tests/clowder_config.json" )
load configuration using Clowder config
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file" )
retrieve broker configuration that was just loaded
brokerCfg := main . GetBrokerConfiguration ( & config )
check broker configuration
assert . Equal ( t , "test:1234" , brokerCfg . Addresses )
assert . Equal ( t , "ccx_test_notifications" , brokerCfg . Topic )
assert . Equal ( t , "test-consumer-group" , brokerCfg . Group )
assert . True ( t , brokerCfg . Enabled )
additionally SASL config should be set too
assert . Equal ( t , username , brokerCfg . SaslUsername )
assert . Equal ( t , password , brokerCfg . SaslPassword )
assert . Equal ( t , saslMechanism , brokerCfg . SaslMechanism )
assert . Equal ( t , securityProtocol , brokerCfg . SecurityProtocol )
TestLoadConfigurationKafkaTopicUpdatedFromClowder tests that when applying the config,
if the Clowder config is enabled, the Kafka topics are replaced by the ones defined in
LoadedConfig.Kafka.Topics if found, and used as-is if not.
func TestLoadConfigurationKafkaTopicUpdatedFromClowder ( t * testing . T ) {
os . Clearenv ( )
hostname := "kafka"
port := 9092
topicName := "ccx_test_notifications"
newTopicName := "the.clowder.kafka.topic"
explicit database and broker config
clowder . LoadedConfig = & clowder . AppConfig {
Kafka : & clowder . KafkaConfig {
Brokers : [ ] clowder . BrokerConfig {
Hostname : hostname ,
Port : & port ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
clowder . KafkaTopics = make ( map [ string ] clowder . TopicConfig )
clowder . KafkaTopics [ topicName ] = clowder . TopicConfig {
Name : newTopicName ,
RequestedName : topicName ,
set environment variable that points to Clowder configuration file
mustSetEnv ( t , "ACG_CONFIG" , "tests/clowder_config.json" )
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config2" )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file" )
brokerCfg := main . GetBrokerConfiguration ( & config )
assert . Equal ( t , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s:%d" , hostname , port ) , brokerCfg . Addresses )
assert . Equal ( t , newTopicName , brokerCfg . Topic )
config with different broker configuration, broker's hostname taken from clowder, but no topic to map to
topicName = "test_notification_topic"
config , err = main . LoadConfiguration ( "CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config1" )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file" )
brokerCfg = main . GetBrokerConfiguration ( & config )
assert . Equal ( t , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s:%d" , hostname , port ) , brokerCfg . Addresses )
assert . Equal ( t , topicName , brokerCfg . Topic )
TestGetStorageConfigurationIsImmutable checks if function
GetStorageConfiguration is not mutable
func TestGetStorageConfigurationIsImmutable ( t * testing . T ) {
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , envVar , "tests/config2" )
load configuration with check if loading was ok
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( envVar , "" )
assert . Nil ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file from env var!" )
clone the configuration
origConfig := config
call the tested function
main . GetStorageConfiguration ( & config )
and compare original configuration with possibly mutated one
assert . Equal ( t , config , origConfig , "GetStorageConfiguration must not be mutable" )
TestGetLoggingConfigurationIsImmutable checks if function
GetLoggingConfiguration is not mutable
func TestGetLoggingConfigurationIsImmutable ( t * testing . T ) {
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , envVar , "tests/config2" )
load configuration with check if loading was ok
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( envVar , "" )
assert . Nil ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file from env var!" )
clone the configuration
origConfig := config
call the tested function
main . GetLoggingConfiguration ( & config )
and compare original configuration with possibly mutated one
assert . Equal ( t , config , origConfig , "GetLoggingConfiguration must not be mutable" )
TestGetBrokerConfigurationIsImmutable checks if function
GetBrokerConfiguration is not mutable
func TestGetBrokerConfigurationIsImmutable ( t * testing . T ) {
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , envVar , "tests/config2" )
load configuration with check if loading was ok
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( envVar , "" )
assert . Nil ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file from env var!" )
clone the configuration
origConfig := config
call the tested function
main . GetBrokerConfiguration ( & config )
and compare original configuration with possibly mutated one
assert . Equal ( t , config , origConfig , "GetBrokerConfiguration must not be mutable" )
TestGetMetricsConfigurationIsImmutable checks if function
GetMetricsConfiguration is not mutable
func TestGetMetricsConfigurationIsImmutable ( t * testing . T ) {
set environment variable that points to config file
(without extension)
mustSetEnv ( t , envVar , "tests/config2" )
load configuration with check if loading was ok
config , err := main . LoadConfiguration ( envVar , "" )
assert . Nil ( t , err , "Failed loading configuration file from env var!" )
clone the configuration
origConfig := config
call the tested function
main . GetMetricsConfiguration ( & config )
and compare original configuration with possibly mutated one
assert . Equal ( t , config , origConfig , "GetMetricsConfiguration must not be mutable" )