package main_test
Unit test definitions for functions and methods defined in source file
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
main "github.com/RedHatInsights/ccx-notification-writer"
init function is called before tests
func init ( ) {
set default logging level regardles of config made in code
zerolog . SetGlobalLevel ( zerolog . InfoLevel )
TestShowVersion checks the function showVersion
func TestShowVersion ( t * testing . T ) {
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . StandardOutput ( func ( ) {
main . ShowVersion ( )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
expected content printed by tested function
assert . Contains ( t , output , "CCX Notification Writer version" )
TestShowAuthors checks the function showAuthors
func TestShowAuthors ( t * testing . T ) {
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . StandardOutput ( func ( ) {
main . ShowAuthors ( )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
expected content printed by tested function
assert . Contains ( t , output , "Pavel Tisnovsky" )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "Red Hat Inc." )
TestShowConfiguration checks the function ShowConfiguration
func TestShowConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
fill in configuration structure
configuration := main . ConfigStruct { }
configuration . Broker = main . BrokerConfiguration {
Addresses : "broker_address" ,
Topic : "broker_topic" ,
configuration . Metrics = main . MetricsConfiguration {
Namespace : "metrics_namespace" ,
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . ErrorOutput ( func ( ) {
log . Logger = log . Output ( zerolog . New ( os . Stderr ) )
main . ShowConfiguration ( & configuration )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
print ( output )
expected content printed by tested function
assert . Contains ( t , output , "broker_address" )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "broker_topic" )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "metrics_namespace" )
TestDoSelectedOperationShowVersion checks the function showVersion called
via doSelectedOperation function
func TestDoSelectedOperationShowVersion ( t * testing . T ) {
stub for structures needed to call the tested function
configuration := main . ConfigStruct { }
cliFlags := main . CliFlags {
ShowVersion : true ,
ShowAuthors : false ,
ShowConfiguration : false ,
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . StandardOutput ( func ( ) {
code , err := main . DoSelectedOperation ( & configuration , cliFlags )
assert . Equal ( t , code , main . ExitStatusOK )
assert . Nil ( t , err )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
expected content printed by tested function
assert . Contains ( t , output , "CCX Notification Writer version" )
TestDoSelectedOperationShowAuthors checks the function showAuthors called
via doSelectedOperation function
func TestDoSelectedOperationShowAuthors ( t * testing . T ) {
stub for structures needed to call the tested function
configuration := main . ConfigStruct { }
cliFlags := main . CliFlags {
ShowVersion : false ,
ShowAuthors : true ,
ShowConfiguration : false ,
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . StandardOutput ( func ( ) {
code , err := main . DoSelectedOperation ( & configuration , cliFlags )
assert . Equal ( t , code , main . ExitStatusOK )
assert . Nil ( t , err )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
expected content printed by tested function
assert . Contains ( t , output , "Pavel Tisnovsky" )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "Red Hat Inc." )
TestDoSelectedOperationShowConfiguration checks the function
showConfiguration called via doSelectedOperation function
func TestDoSelectedOperationShowConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
fill in configuration structure
configuration := main . ConfigStruct { }
configuration . Broker = main . BrokerConfiguration {
Addresses : "broker_address" ,
Topic : "broker_topic" ,
configuration . Metrics = main . MetricsConfiguration {
Namespace : "metrics_namespace" ,
cliFlags := main . CliFlags {
ShowVersion : false ,
ShowAuthors : false ,
ShowConfiguration : true ,
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . ErrorOutput ( func ( ) {
log . Logger = log . Output ( zerolog . New ( os . Stderr ) )
code , err := main . DoSelectedOperation ( & configuration , cliFlags )
assert . Equal ( t , code , main . ExitStatusOK )
assert . NoError ( t , err )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
expected content printed by tested function
assert . Contains ( t , output , "broker_address" )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "broker_topic" )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "metrics_namespace" )
TestConvertLogLevel tests the convertLogLevel function.
func TestConvertLogLevel ( t * testing . T ) {
type TestData struct {
Input string
Output zerolog . Level
testData := [ ] TestData {
Input : "" ,
Output : zerolog . DebugLevel ,
} ,
Input : "debug" ,
Output : zerolog . DebugLevel ,
} ,
Input : " debug" ,
Output : zerolog . DebugLevel ,
} ,
Input : " debug " ,
Output : zerolog . DebugLevel ,
} ,
Input : "info" ,
Output : zerolog . InfoLevel ,
} ,
Input : "warn" ,
Output : zerolog . WarnLevel ,
} ,
Input : "warning" ,
Output : zerolog . WarnLevel ,
} ,
Input : "error" ,
Output : zerolog . ErrorLevel ,
} ,
Input : "fatal" ,
Output : zerolog . FatalLevel ,
} ,
Input : " fatal" ,
Output : zerolog . FatalLevel ,
} ,
Input : "fatal " ,
Output : zerolog . FatalLevel ,
} ,
for _ , td := range testData {
perform conversion
output := main . ConvertLogLevel ( td . Input )
check if converted value is equal to expected one
assert . Equal ( t , output , td . Output )
TestDoSelectedOperationCheckConnectionToKafka checks the function
CheckConnectionToKafka called via doSelectedOperation function
func TestDoSelectedOperationCheckConnectionToKafka ( t * testing . T ) {
fill in configuration structure
configuration := main . ConfigStruct { }
configuration . Broker = main . BrokerConfiguration {
Addresses : "broker_address:9092, broker_address:9093" ,
Topic : "broker_topic" ,
cliFlags := main . CliFlags {
CheckConnectionToKafka : true ,
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . ErrorOutput ( func ( ) {
log . Logger = log . Output ( zerolog . New ( os . Stderr ) )
code , err := main . DoSelectedOperation ( & configuration , cliFlags )
assert . Equal ( t , code , main . ExitStatusKafkaError )
assert . NoError ( t , err )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
expected content printed by tested function
assert . Contains ( t , output , main . ConnectionToBrokerMessage )
assert . Contains ( t , output , main . AllBrokerConnectionAttemptsMessage )