Benchmarks to check what's the best PostgreSQL data type to store cluster
name. From user perspective cluster names are represented as UUIDs strings
that have the following display format:
There are four basic data types that can be used to store such names in PostgreSQL:
1) CHAR(36)
This benchmark checks which data type is best from performance perspective.
For each data type, three benchmarks are run:
1) INSERTion into REPORTED table
2) DELETion from REPORTED table when reports are identified by cluster name
3) SELECTion from REPORTED table when reports are identified by cluster name
package main
import (
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
SQL statements to create and drop tables used in benchmarks
const (
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkCharClusterID is SQL statement used to
create reported table where cluster name is represented as char(36)
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkCharClusterID = `
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS reported_benchmark_1 (
org_id integer not null,
account_number integer not null,
cluster character(36) not null,
notification_type integer not null,
state integer not null,
report varchar not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
notified_at timestamp not null,
error_log varchar,
PRIMARY KEY (org_id, cluster, notified_at)
SQL statement used to drop (delete) first table used by benchmarks
DropTableReportedBenchmarkCharClusterID = `
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS reported_benchmark_1;
Index for the reported table used in benchmarks for
notified_at column
CreateIndexReportedNotifiedAtDescV1 = `
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS notified_at_desc_idx
ON reported_benchmark_1
USING btree (notified_at DESC);
Index for the reported table used in benchmarks for
cluster column
CreateIndexReportedClusterV1 = `
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS reported_benchmark_1_cluster_idx
ON reported_benchmark_1
USING btree (cluster);
Select cluster names from reported table
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV1Statement = `
SELECT cluster FROM reported_benchmark_1
Select report from reported table identified by cluster name
SelectReportFromReportedV1Statement = `
SELECT org_id, account_number, notification_type, state, report, updated_at, notified_at, error_log
FROM reported_benchmark_1
WHERE cluster=$1
Insert one record into reported table
InsertIntoReportedV1Statement = `
INSERT INTO reported_benchmark_1
(org_id, account_number, cluster, notification_type, state, report, updated_at, notified_at, error_log)
($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)
Delete one record from reported table
DeleteFromReportedV1Statement = `
DELETE FROM reported_benchmark_1 WHERE cluster=$1
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkVarcharClusterID is SQL statement used
to create reported table where cluster name is represented as
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkVarcharClusterID = `
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS reported_benchmark_2 (
org_id integer not null,
account_number integer not null,
cluster varchar(36) not null,
notification_type integer not null,
state integer not null,
report varchar not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
notified_at timestamp not null,
error_log varchar,
PRIMARY KEY (org_id, cluster, notified_at)
SQL statement used to drop (delete) second table used by benchmarks
DropTableReportedBenchmarkVarcharClusterID = `
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS reported_benchmark_2;
Index for the reported table used in benchmarks for
notified_at column
CreateIndexReportedNotifiedAtDescV2 = `
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS notified_at_desc_idx
ON reported_benchmark_2
USING btree (notified_at DESC);
Index for the reported table used in benchmarks for
cluster column
CreateIndexReportedClusterV2 = `
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS reported_benchmark_2_cluster_idx
ON reported_benchmark_2
USING btree (cluster);
Select cluster names from reported table
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV2Statement = `
SELECT cluster FROM reported_benchmark_2
Select report from reported table identified by cluster name
SelectReportFromReportedV2Statement = `
SELECT org_id, account_number, notification_type, state, report, updated_at, notified_at, error_log
FROM reported_benchmark_2
WHERE cluster=$1
Insert one record into reported table
InsertIntoReportedV2Statement = `
INSERT INTO reported_benchmark_2
(org_id, account_number, cluster, notification_type, state, report, updated_at, notified_at, error_log)
($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)
Delete one record from reported table
DeleteFromReportedV2Statement = `
DELETE FROM reported_benchmark_2 WHERE cluster=$1
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkByteArrayClusterID is SQL statement used
to create reported table where cluster name is represented as
BYTEA (byte array)
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkByteArrayClusterID = `
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS reported_benchmark_3 (
org_id integer not null,
account_number integer not null,
cluster bytea not null,
notification_type integer not null,
state integer not null,
report varchar not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
notified_at timestamp not null,
error_log varchar,
PRIMARY KEY (org_id, cluster, notified_at)
SQL statement used to drop (delete) third table used by benchmarks
DropTableReportedBenchmarkByteArrayClusterID = `
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS reported_benchmark_3;
Index for the reported table used in benchmarks for
notified_at column
CreateIndexReportedNotifiedAtDescV3 = `
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS notified_at_desc_idx
ON reported_benchmark_3
USING btree (notified_at DESC);
Index for the reported table used in benchmarks for
cluster column
CreateIndexReportedClusterV3 = `
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS reported_benchmark_3_cluster_idx
ON reported_benchmark_3
USING btree (cluster);
Select cluster names from reported table
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV3Statement = `
SELECT cluster FROM reported_benchmark_3
Select report from reported table identified by cluster name
SelectReportFromReportedV3Statement = `
SELECT org_id, account_number, notification_type, state, report, updated_at, notified_at, error_log
FROM reported_benchmark_3
WHERE cluster=$1
Insert one record into reported table
InsertIntoReportedV3Statement = `
INSERT INTO reported_benchmark_3
(org_id, account_number, cluster, notification_type, state, report, updated_at, notified_at, error_log)
($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)
Delete one record from reported table
DeleteFromReportedV3Statement = `
DELETE FROM reported_benchmark_3 WHERE cluster=$1
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkUUIDClusterID is SQL statement used to
create reported table where cluster name is represented as UUID data
type (16 bytes)
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkUUIDClusterID = `
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS reported_benchmark_4 (
org_id integer not null,
account_number integer not null,
cluster uuid not null,
notification_type integer not null,
state integer not null,
report varchar not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
notified_at timestamp not null,
error_log varchar,
PRIMARY KEY (org_id, cluster, notified_at)
SQL statement used to drop (delete) fourth table used by benchmarks
DropTableReportedBenchmarkUUIDClusterID = `
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS reported_benchmark_4;
Index for the reported table used in benchmarks for
notified_at column
CreateIndexReportedNotifiedAtDescV4 = `
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS notified_at_desc_idx
ON reported_benchmark_4
USING btree (notified_at DESC);
Index for the reported table used in benchmarks for
cluster column
CreateIndexReportedClusterV4 = `
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS reported_benchmark_4_cluster_idx
ON reported_benchmark_4
USING btree (cluster);
Select cluster names from reported table
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV4Statement = `
SELECT cluster FROM reported_benchmark_4
Select report from reported table identified by cluster name
SelectReportFromReportedV4Statement = `
SELECT org_id, account_number, notification_type, state, report, updated_at, notified_at, error_log
FROM reported_benchmark_4
WHERE cluster=$1
Insert one record into reported table
InsertIntoReportedV4Statement = `
INSERT INTO reported_benchmark_4
(org_id, account_number, cluster, notification_type, state, report, updated_at, notified_at, error_log)
($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)
Delete one record from reported table
DeleteFromReportedV4Statement = `
DELETE FROM reported_benchmark_4 WHERE cluster=$1
Tests configuration
const (
Should tables used by benchmarks be dropped at the end?
DropTables = true
Report to be used in benchmarks
Report = ""
Time to breath between tests specified in minutes
TimeToBreath = 2
ConnectionInfo structure stores all values needed to connect to PSQL
type ConnectionInfo struct {
username string
password string
host string
port int
dBName string
params string
InsertFunction represents callback functions called from benchmarks in order
to insert new record into selected table
type InsertFunction func ( b * testing . B , connection * sql . DB , insertStatement * string , i int , report * string )
SelectFunction represents callback functions called from benchmarks in order
to read report or reports identified by cluster name
type SelectFunction func ( b * testing . B , connection * sql . DB , selectStatement * string , clusterName string ) int
readEnvVariable function tries to read content of specified environment
variable with check if the variable exists
func readEnvVariable ( b * testing . B , variableName string ) string {
try to read content of given environment variable
value := os . Getenv ( variableName )
check if environment variable has been set
if value == "" {
b . Fatal ( variableName , "environment variable not provided" )
return value
readConnectionInfoFromEnvVars function tries to read and parse environment
variables used to connect to PSQL with all required error checks
func readConnectionInfoFromEnvVars ( b * testing . B ) ConnectionInfo {
var connectionInfo ConnectionInfo
read string values
connectionInfo . username = readEnvVariable ( b , "DB_USER_NAME" )
connectionInfo . password = readEnvVariable ( b , "DB_PASSWORD" )
connectionInfo . host = readEnvVariable ( b , "DB_HOST" )
connectionInfo . dBName = readEnvVariable ( b , "DB_NAME" )
connectionInfo . params = readEnvVariable ( b , "DB_PARAMS" )
parse port number
port := readEnvVariable ( b , "DB_PORT" )
portValue , err := strconv . Atoi ( port )
if err != nil {
b . Fatal ( err )
connectionInfo . port = portValue
return connectionInfo
connectToDatabase perform connection to PSQL with all required error checks
func connectToDatabase ( b * testing . B , connectionInfo * ConnectionInfo ) * sql . DB {
connection string
dataSource := fmt . Sprintf (
"postgresql://%v:%v@%v:%v/%v?%v" ,
connectionInfo . username ,
connectionInfo . password ,
connectionInfo . host ,
connectionInfo . port ,
connectionInfo . dBName ,
connectionInfo . params ,
perform connection
connection , err := sql . Open ( "postgres" , dataSource )
if err != nil {
b . Error ( "Can not connect to data storage" , err )
return nil
connection seems to be established
return connection
mustExecuteStatement function executes given SQL statement with check if the
operation was finished without problems
func mustExecuteStatement ( b * testing . B , connection * sql . DB , statement string ) {
execute given SQL statement
_ , err := connection . Exec ( statement )
check for any error thrown during execution
if err != nil {
b . Fatal ( "SQL statement '" + statement + "' error" , err )
insertIntoReportedV1 function inserts one new record into reported table v1,
v2, or v4 where cluster is represented as character(36) or as UUID. In case
of any error detected, benchmarks fail immediately.
func insertIntoReportedV1 ( b * testing . B , connection * sql . DB , insertStatement * string , i int , report * string ) {
following columns needs to be updated with data:
1 | orgid | integer | not null |
2 | accountnumber | integer | not null |
3 | cluster | character(36) | not null |
4 | notificationtype | integer | not null |
5 | state | integer | not null |
6 | report | character varying | not null |
7 | updatedat | timestamp without time zone | not null |
8 | notifiedat | timestamp without time zone | not null |
9 | errorlog | character varying | |
following columns needs to be updated with data:
1 | orgid | integer | not null |
2 | accountnumber | integer | not null |
3 | cluster | varchar(36) | not null |
4 | notificationtype | integer | not null |
5 | state | integer | not null |
6 | report | character varying | not null |
7 | updatedat | timestamp without time zone | not null |
8 | notifiedat | timestamp without time zone | not null |
9 | errorlog | character varying | |
1 | orgid | integer | not null |
2 | accountnumber | integer | not null |
3 | cluster | UUID | not null |
4 | notificationtype | integer | not null |
5 | state | integer | not null |
6 | report | character varying | not null |
7 | updatedat | timestamp without time zone | not null |
8 | notifiedat | timestamp without time zone | not null |
9 | errorlog | character varying | |
fill-in data to be inserted into the table
orgID := i % 1000
accountNumber := orgID + 1
clusterName := uuid . New ( ) . String ( )
notificationTypeID := 1
stateID := 1 + i % 4
updatedAt := time . Now ( )
notifiedAt := time . Now ( )
errorLog := ""
perform insert
_ , err := connection . Exec ( * insertStatement , orgID ,
accountNumber , clusterName , notificationTypeID , stateID ,
report , updatedAt , notifiedAt , errorLog )
check for any error, possible to exit immediately
if err != nil {
b . Fatal ( err )
insertIntoReportedV3 function inserts one new record into reported
table v3 where cluster is represented as byte array. In case of any error
detected, benchmarks fail immediately.
func insertIntoReportedV3 ( b * testing . B , connection * sql . DB , insertStatement * string , i int , report * string ) {
following columns needs to be updated with data:
1 | orgid | integer | not null |
2 | accountnumber | integer | not null |
3 | cluster | bytea | not null |
4 | notificationtype | integer | not null |
5 | state | integer | not null |
6 | report | character varying | not null |
7 | updatedat | timestamp without time zone | not null |
8 | notifiedat | timestamp without time zone | not null |
9 | errorlog | character varying | |
fill-in data to be inserted into the table
orgID := i % 1000
accountNumber := orgID + 1
clusterName := uuid . New ( )
convert cluster name into bytes slice to be stored in database
bytes , err := clusterName . MarshalBinary ( )
if err != nil {
b . Fatal ( err )
notificationTypeID := 1
stateID := 1 + i % 4
updatedAt := time . Now ( )
notifiedAt := time . Now ( )
errorLog := ""
perform insert
_ , err = connection . Exec ( * insertStatement , orgID ,
accountNumber , bytes , notificationTypeID , stateID ,
report , updatedAt , notifiedAt , errorLog )
check for any error, possible to exit immediately
if err != nil {
b . Fatal ( err )
selectFromReportedTableV1 function perform SELECT statement to retrieve
reports from reported table when report or reports are identified by cluster
name. Number of reports are returned from this function as the only return
func selectFromReportedTableV1 ( b * testing . B , connection * sql . DB , selectStatement * string , clusterName string ) int {
execute SQL query statement
rows , err := connection . Query ( * selectStatement , clusterName )
if err != nil {
b . Fatal ( "Select from reported table error" , err )
return 0
result set needs to be closed at the end
defer func ( ) {
err := rows . Close ( )
if err != nil {
b . Fatal ( "Closing query error" , err )
} ( )
report counter
reports := 0
read all records
for rows . Next ( ) {
reports ++
var orgID int
var accountNumber int
var notificationType int
var state int
var report string
var updatedAt time . Time
var notifiedAt time . Time
var errorLog string
read one report from result set
err := rows . Scan ( & orgID , & accountNumber , & notificationType , & state , & report , & updatedAt , & notifiedAt , & errorLog )
check for any scan errors
if err != nil {
if closeErr := rows . Close ( ) ; closeErr != nil {
b . Fatal ( "Unable to close DB row handle" )
return reports
return number of reports read and parsed
return reports
All functions used to select reports from reported table are actually the same
var selectFromReportedTableV2 = selectFromReportedTableV1
var selectFromReportedTableV3 = selectFromReportedTableV1
var selectFromReportedTableV4 = selectFromReportedTableV1
readClusterNames is helper function to read al cluster names stored in
reported table
func readClusterNames ( b * testing . B , connection * sql . DB , selectClusterNamesStatement string ) [ ] string {
var clusterNames = make ( [ ] string , 0 )
execute SQL query statement
rows , err := connection . Query ( selectClusterNamesStatement )
if err != nil {
b . Fatal ( "Select cluster names error" , err )
return clusterNames
result set needs to be closed at the end
defer func ( ) {
err := rows . Close ( )
if err != nil {
b . Fatal ( "Closing query error" , err )
} ( )
read all records
for rows . Next ( ) {
var clusterName string
read cluster name from result set
err := rows . Scan ( & clusterName )
check for any scan errors
if err != nil {
if closeErr := rows . Close ( ) ; closeErr != nil {
b . Fatal ( "Unable to close DB row handle" )
return clusterNames
clusterNames = append ( clusterNames , clusterName )
return clusterNames
deleteReportByClusterName function deletes report or reports identified by
cluster name.
func deleteReportByClusterName ( b * testing . B , connection * sql . DB , deleteStatement , clusterName string ) {
execute SQL delete statement
_ , err := connection . Exec ( deleteStatement , clusterName )
if err != nil {
b . Fatal ( "SQL delete statement '" + deleteStatement + "' error" , err )
function to insert record into table v2 is the same as function to insert
record into table v1
var insertIntoReportedV2 = insertIntoReportedV1
function to insert record into table v4 is the same as function to insert
record into table v1
var insertIntoReportedV4 = insertIntoReportedV1
performInsertBenchmark function contains implementation of INSERTion
benchmarks for all possible table variants.
func performInsertBenchmark ( b * testing . B ,
createTableStatement , dropTableStatement , insertStatement string ,
insertFunction InsertFunction ,
report * string ,
dropTables bool ) {
connect to database
b . StopTimer ( )
time . Sleep ( TimeToBreath * time . Minute )
connectionInfo := readConnectionInfoFromEnvVars ( b )
connection := connectToDatabase ( b , & connectionInfo )
create table used by benchmark
mustExecuteStatement ( b , connection , createTableStatement )
perform benchmark - insert many reports into the table
b . StartTimer ( )
for i := 0 ; i < b . N ; i ++ {
insertFunction ( b , connection , & insertStatement , i , report )
b . StopTimer ( )
drop table used by benchmark
if dropTables {
mustExecuteStatement ( b , connection , dropTableStatement )
performDeleteBenchmark function contains implementation of DELETion
benchmarks for all possible table variants.
func performDeleteBenchmark ( b * testing . B ,
createTableStatement , createIndexStatement , dropTableStatement , insertStatement , deleteStatement , selectClusterNamesStatement string ,
insertFunction InsertFunction ,
report * string ,
dropTables bool ) {
connect to database
b . StopTimer ( )
time . Sleep ( TimeToBreath * time . Minute )
connectionInfo := readConnectionInfoFromEnvVars ( b )
connection := connectToDatabase ( b , & connectionInfo )
create table used by benchmark
mustExecuteStatement ( b , connection , dropTableStatement )
mustExecuteStatement ( b , connection , createTableStatement )
create index if required
if createIndexStatement != "" {
mustExecuteStatement ( b , connection , createIndexStatement )
fill-in some data
for i := 0 ; i < b . N ; i ++ {
insertFunction ( b , connection , & insertStatement , i , report )
retrieve cluster names
clusterNames := readClusterNames ( b , connection , selectClusterNamesStatement )
perform benchmark - delete selected rows from table one by one
b . StartTimer ( )
for _ , clusterName := range clusterNames {
deleteReportByClusterName ( b , connection , deleteStatement , clusterName )
b . StopTimer ( )
drop table used by benchmark
if dropTables {
mustExecuteStatement ( b , connection , dropTableStatement )
performSelectBenchmark function contains implementation of SELECTion
benchmarks for all possible table variants.
func performSelectBenchmark ( b * testing . B ,
createTableStatement , createIndexStatement , dropTableStatement , insertStatement , selectReportStatement , selectClusterNamesStatement string ,
insertFunction InsertFunction ,
selectFunction SelectFunction ,
report * string ,
dropTables bool ) {
connect to database
b . StopTimer ( )
time . Sleep ( TimeToBreath * time . Minute )
connectionInfo := readConnectionInfoFromEnvVars ( b )
connection := connectToDatabase ( b , & connectionInfo )
create table used by benchmark
mustExecuteStatement ( b , connection , createTableStatement )
create index if required
if createIndexStatement != "" {
mustExecuteStatement ( b , connection , createIndexStatement )
fill-in some data
for i := 0 ; i < b . N ; i ++ {
insertFunction ( b , connection , & insertStatement , i , report )
retrieve cluster names
clusterNames := readClusterNames ( b , connection , selectClusterNamesStatement )
reports := 0
perform benchmark - select report or reports identified by cluster name
b . StartTimer ( )
for _ , clusterName := range clusterNames {
reports += selectFunction ( b , connection , & selectReportStatement , clusterName )
b . StopTimer ( )
drop table used by benchmark
if dropTables {
mustExecuteStatement ( b , connection , dropTableStatement )
check total number of reports
we assume that cluster names (UUIDs) are really unique
if reports != b . N {
b . Fatal ( "Total number of reports differs from table size" , reports , b . N )
BenchmarkInsertClusterAsChar function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs INSERTion into report table where cluster name is represented
as CHAR(36).
func BenchmarkInsertClusterAsChar ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performInsertBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkCharClusterID ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkCharClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV1Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV1 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkInsertClusterAsVarchar function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs INSERTion into report table where cluster name is represented
as VARCHAR(36).
func BenchmarkInsertClusterAsVarchar ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performInsertBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkVarcharClusterID ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkVarcharClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV2Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV2 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkInsertClusterAsBytea function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs INSERTion into report table where cluster name is represented
func BenchmarkInsertClusterAsBytea ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performInsertBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkByteArrayClusterID ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkByteArrayClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV3Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV3 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkInsertClusterAsUUID function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs INSERTion into report table where cluster name is represented
as UUID.
func BenchmarkInsertClusterAsUUID ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performInsertBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkUUIDClusterID ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkUUIDClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV4Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV4 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsChar function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs DELETion from report table where cluster name is represented
as CHAR(36).
func BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsChar ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performDeleteBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkCharClusterID ,
"" ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkCharClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV1Statement ,
DeleteFromReportedV1Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV1Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV1 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsVarchar function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs DELETion from report table where cluster name is represented
as VARCHAR(36).
func BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsVarchar ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performDeleteBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkVarcharClusterID ,
"" ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkVarcharClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV2Statement ,
DeleteFromReportedV2Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV2Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV2 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsBytea function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs DELETion from report table where cluster name is represented
func BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsBytea ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performDeleteBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkByteArrayClusterID ,
"" ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkByteArrayClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV3Statement ,
DeleteFromReportedV3Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV3Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV3 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsUUID function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs DELETion from report table where cluster name is represented
as UUID.
func BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsUUID ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performDeleteBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkUUIDClusterID ,
"" ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkUUIDClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV4Statement ,
DeleteFromReportedV4Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV4Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV4 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkSelectClusterAsChar function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs SELECTion from report table where cluster name is represented
as CHAR(36).
func BenchmarkSelectClusterAsChar ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performSelectBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkCharClusterID ,
"" ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkCharClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV1Statement ,
SelectReportFromReportedV1Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV1Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV1 ,
selectFromReportedTableV1 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkSelectClusterAsVarchar function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs SELECTion from report table where cluster name is represented
as VARCHAR(36).
func BenchmarkSelectClusterAsVarchar ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performSelectBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkVarcharClusterID ,
"" ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkVarcharClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV2Statement ,
SelectReportFromReportedV2Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV2Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV2 ,
selectFromReportedTableV2 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkSelectClusterAsBytea function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs SELECTion from report table where cluster name is represented
func BenchmarkSelectClusterAsBytea ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performSelectBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkByteArrayClusterID ,
"" ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkByteArrayClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV3Statement ,
SelectReportFromReportedV3Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV3Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV3 ,
selectFromReportedTableV3 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkSelectClusterAsUUID function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs SELECTion from report table where cluster name is represented
as UUID.
func BenchmarkSelectClusterAsUUID ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performSelectBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkUUIDClusterID ,
"" ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkUUIDClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV4Statement ,
SelectReportFromReportedV4Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV4Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV4 ,
selectFromReportedTableV4 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsCharIndexed function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs DELETion from report table where cluster name is represented
as CHAR(36). Cluster column is used as index.
func BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsCharIndexed ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performDeleteBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkCharClusterID ,
CreateIndexReportedClusterV1 ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkCharClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV1Statement ,
DeleteFromReportedV1Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV1Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV1 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsVarcharIndexed function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs DELETion from report table where cluster name is represented
as VARCHAR(36). Cluster column is used as index.
func BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsVarcharIndexed ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performDeleteBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkVarcharClusterID ,
CreateIndexReportedClusterV2 ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkVarcharClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV2Statement ,
DeleteFromReportedV2Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV2Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV2 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsByteaIndexed function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs DELETion from report table where cluster name is represented
as BYTEA. Cluster column is used as index.
func BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsByteaIndexed ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performDeleteBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkByteArrayClusterID ,
CreateIndexReportedClusterV3 ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkByteArrayClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV3Statement ,
DeleteFromReportedV3Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV3Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV3 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsUUIDIndexed function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs DELETion from report table where cluster name is represented
as UUID. Cluster column is used as index.
func BenchmarkDeleteClusterAsUUIDIndexed ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performDeleteBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkUUIDClusterID ,
CreateIndexReportedClusterV4 ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkUUIDClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV4Statement ,
DeleteFromReportedV4Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV4Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV4 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkSelectClusterAsCharIndexed function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs SELECTion from report table where cluster name is represented
as CHAR(36). Cluster column is used as index.
func BenchmarkSelectClusterAsCharIndexed ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performSelectBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkCharClusterID ,
CreateIndexReportedClusterV1 ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkCharClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV1Statement ,
SelectReportFromReportedV1Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV1Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV1 ,
selectFromReportedTableV1 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkSelectClusterAsVarcharIndexed function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs SELECTion from report table where cluster name is represented
as VARCHAR(36). Cluster column is used as index.
func BenchmarkSelectClusterAsVarcharIndexed ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performSelectBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkVarcharClusterID ,
CreateIndexReportedClusterV2 ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkVarcharClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV2Statement ,
SelectReportFromReportedV2Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV2Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV2 ,
selectFromReportedTableV2 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkSelectClusterAsByteaIndexed function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs SELECTion from report table where cluster name is represented
as BYTEA. Cluster column is used as index.
func BenchmarkSelectClusterAsByteaIndexed ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performSelectBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkByteArrayClusterID ,
CreateIndexReportedClusterV3 ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkByteArrayClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV3Statement ,
SelectReportFromReportedV3Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV3Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV3 ,
selectFromReportedTableV3 ,
& report , DropTables )
BenchmarkSelectClusterAsUUIDIndexed function contains implementation of benchmark
that performs SELECTion from report table where cluster name is represented
as UUID. Cluster column is used as index.
func BenchmarkSelectClusterAsUUIDIndexed ( b * testing . B ) {
report to be stored in a table
report := Report
run the actual benchmark
performSelectBenchmark ( b ,
CreateTableReportedBenchmarkUUIDClusterID ,
CreateIndexReportedClusterV4 ,
DropTableReportedBenchmarkUUIDClusterID ,
InsertIntoReportedV4Statement ,
SelectReportFromReportedV4Statement ,
SelectClusterNamesFromReportedV4Statement ,
insertIntoReportedV4 ,
selectFromReportedTableV4 ,
& report , DropTables )