package differ_test
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
wrongDatabaseDriver is any integer value different from DBDriverSQLite3 and
const wrongDatabaseDriver = 10
mustCreateMockConnection function tries to create a new mock connection and
checks if the operation was finished without problems.
func mustCreateMockConnection ( t * testing . T ) ( * sql . DB , sqlmock . Sqlmock ) {
try to initialize new mock connection
connection , mock , err := sqlmock . New ( )
check the status
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "an error '%s' was not expected when opening a stub database connection" , err )
return connection , mock
checkConnectionClose function perform mocked DB closing operation and checks
if the connection is properly closed from unit tests.
func checkConnectionClose ( t * testing . T , connection * sql . DB ) {
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
err := connection . Close ( )
check the error status
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "error during closing connection: %v" , err )
checkAllExpectations function checks if all database-related operations have
been really met.
func checkAllExpectations ( t * testing . T , mock sqlmock . Sqlmock ) {
check if all expectations were met
err := mock . ExpectationsWereMet ( )
check the error status
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "there were unfulfilled expectations: %s" , err )
TestNewStorageError checks whether constructor for new storage returns error for improper storage configuration
func TestNewStorageError ( t * testing . T ) {
_ , err := differ . NewStorage ( & conf . StorageConfiguration {
Driver : "non existing driver" ,
} )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "driver non existing driver is not supported" )
TestNewStorageNoType checks whether constructor for new storage returns error for improper storage configuration
func TestNewStorageNoType ( t * testing . T ) {
_ , err := differ . NewStorage ( & conf . StorageConfiguration {
Driver : "" ,
} )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "driver is not supported" )
TestNewStorageWithLogging tests creating new storage with logs
func TestNewStorageWithLogging ( t * testing . T ) {
_ , err := differ . NewStorage ( & conf . StorageConfiguration {
Driver : "postgres" ,
PGPort : 1234 ,
PGUsername : "user" ,
LogSQLQueries : true ,
} )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error retrieving new storage" )
TestNewStorageReturnedImplementation check what implementation of storage is returnd
func TestNewStorageReturnedImplementation ( t * testing . T ) {
s , _ := differ . NewStorage ( & conf . StorageConfiguration {
Driver : "postgres" ,
PGPort : 1234 ,
PGUsername : "user" ,
LogSQLQueries : true ,
} )
assert . IsType ( t , & differ . DBStorage { } , s )
TestReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterListEmptyClusterEntries test checks how
empty sequence of cluster entries is handled by metohd
func TestReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterListEmptyClusterEntries ( t * testing . T ) {
empty sequence of cluster entries
clusterEntries := [ ] types . ClusterEntry { }
second parameter passed to tested method
timeOffset := "1 day"
prepare database mock
db , _ := newMock ( t )
defer func ( ) { _ = db . Close ( ) } ( )
establish connection to mocked database
sut := differ . NewFromConnection ( db , types . DBDriverPostgres )
call tested method
records , err := sut . ReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterList (
clusterEntries , timeOffset , types . NotificationBackendTarget )
test returned values
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error running ReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterList" )
assert . Len ( t , records , 0 , "empty output is expected" )
func TestReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterList ( t * testing . T ) {
var (
now = time . Now ( )
clusters = "'first cluster','second cluster'"
orgs = "'1','2'"
clusterEntries = [ ] types . ClusterEntry {
OrgID : 1 ,
AccountNumber : 1 ,
ClusterName : "first cluster" ,
KafkaOffset : 1 ,
UpdatedAt : types . Timestamp ( now ) ,
} ,
OrgID : 2 ,
AccountNumber : 2 ,
ClusterName : "second cluster" ,
KafkaOffset : 1 ,
UpdatedAt : types . Timestamp ( now ) ,
} ,
timeOffset = "1 day"
timeOffsetNotSet = ""
timeOffsetEmptySpace = " "
timeOffsetSetToZero = "0"
timeOffsetSetToZeroX = "0 hours"
db , mock := newMock ( t )
defer func ( ) { _ = db . Close ( ) } ( )
sut := differ . NewFromConnection ( db , types . DBDriverPostgres )
expectedQuery := fmt . Sprintf ( `
SELECT org_id, cluster, report, notified_at
FROM reported
WHERE event_type_id = %v AND state = 1 AND org_id IN (%v) AND cluster IN (%v)
ORDER BY cluster, notified_at DESC) t
WHERE notified_at > NOW() - $1::INTERVAL ;
` , types . NotificationBackendTarget , orgs , clusters )
rows := sqlmock . NewRows (
[ ] string { "org_id" , "cluster" , "report" , "notified_at" } ) .
AddRow ( 1 , "first cluster" , "test" , now ) .
AddRow ( 1 , "first cluster" , "test" , now )
mock . ExpectQuery ( regexp . QuoteMeta ( expectedQuery ) ) .
WithArgs ( timeOffset ) .
WillReturnRows ( rows )
records , err := sut . ReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterList (
clusterEntries , timeOffset , types . NotificationBackendTarget )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error running ReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterList" )
fmt . Println ( records )
If timeOffset is 0 or empty string, the WHERE clause is not included
expectedQuery = fmt . Sprintf ( `
SELECT org_id, cluster, report, notified_at
FROM reported
WHERE event_type_id = %v AND state = 1 AND org_id IN (%v) AND cluster IN (%v)
ORDER BY cluster, notified_at DESC) t ;
` , types . NotificationBackendTarget , orgs , clusters )
mock . ExpectQuery ( regexp . QuoteMeta ( expectedQuery ) ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
_ , err = sut . ReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterList (
clusterEntries , timeOffsetNotSet , types . NotificationBackendTarget )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "unexpected query" )
mock . ExpectQuery ( regexp . QuoteMeta ( expectedQuery ) ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
_ , err = sut . ReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterList (
clusterEntries , timeOffsetSetToZero , types . NotificationBackendTarget )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "unexpected query" )
mock . ExpectQuery ( regexp . QuoteMeta ( expectedQuery ) ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
_ , err = sut . ReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterList (
clusterEntries , timeOffsetSetToZeroX , types . NotificationBackendTarget )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "unexpected query" )
mock . ExpectQuery ( regexp . QuoteMeta ( expectedQuery ) ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
_ , err = sut . ReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterList (
clusterEntries , timeOffsetEmptySpace , types . NotificationBackendTarget )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "unexpected query" )
func newMock ( t * testing . T ) ( * sql . DB , sqlmock . Sqlmock ) {
db , mock , err := sqlmock . New ( )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "an error '%s' was not expected when opening a stub database connection" , err )
return db , mock
Test the checkArgs function when flag for --show-version is set
func TestInClauseFromSlice ( t * testing . T ) {
stringSlice := make ( [ ] string , 0 )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , differ . InClauseFromStringSlice ( stringSlice ) )
stringSlice = [ ] string { "first item" , "second item" }
assert . Equal ( t , "'first item','second item'" , differ . InClauseFromStringSlice ( stringSlice ) )
TestReadErrorExistPositiveResult checks if Storage.ReadErrorExists returns
expected results (positive test).
func TestReadErrorExistPositiveResult ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "exists" } )
rows . AddRow ( true )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT exists\\(SELECT 1 FROM read_errors WHERE org_id=\\$1 and cluster=\\$2 and updated_at=\\$3\\);"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
exists , err := storage . ReadErrorExists ( 1 , "123" , types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) ) )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying read_errors table" )
assert . True ( t , exists , "True return value is expected" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadErrorExistNegativeResult checks if Storage.ReadErrorExists returns
expected results (positive test).
func TestReadErrorExistNegativeResult ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "exists" } )
rows . AddRow ( false )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT exists\\(SELECT 1 FROM read_errors WHERE org_id=\\$1 and cluster=\\$2 and updated_at=\\$3\\);"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
exists , err := storage . ReadErrorExists ( 1 , "123" , types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) ) )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying read_errors table" )
assert . False ( t , exists , "False return value is expected" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadErrorExistNothingFound checks if Storage.ReadErrorExists returns
expected results (nothing has been found in table).
func TestReadErrorExistNothingFound ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "exists" } )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT exists\\(SELECT 1 FROM read_errors WHERE org_id=\\$1 and cluster=\\$2 and updated_at=\\$3\\);"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
exists , err := storage . ReadErrorExists ( 1 , "123" , types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) ) )
error is expected to be returned from called method
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while querying read_errors table" )
assert . False ( t , exists , "False return value is expected" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadErrorExistOnScanError checks if Storage.ReadErrorExists returns
expected results on scan error
func TestReadErrorOnScanError ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "exists" } )
rows . AddRow ( "this is not a boolean value" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT exists\\(SELECT 1 FROM read_errors WHERE org_id=\\$1 and cluster=\\$2 and updated_at=\\$3\\);"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
_ , err := storage . ReadErrorExists ( 1 , "123" , types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) ) )
error is expected to be returned from called method
assert . Error ( t , err , "an error is expected while scanning read_errors table" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadErrorExistOnError checks if Storage.ReadErrorExists returns
expected results on query error
func TestReadErrorOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT exists\\(SELECT 1 FROM read_errors WHERE org_id=\\$1 and cluster=\\$2 and updated_at=\\$3\\);"
let's raise an error!
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
_ , err := storage . ReadErrorExists ( 1 , "123" , types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) ) )
error is expected to be returned from called method
assert . Error ( t , err , "an error is expected while querying read_errors table" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadErrorOnErrorNoRows checks if Storage.ReadErrorExists returns
expected results when no rows are found
func TestReadErrorOnErrorNoRows ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := sql . ErrNoRows
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT exists\\(SELECT 1 FROM read_errors WHERE org_id=\\$1 and cluster=\\$2 and updated_at=\\$3\\);"
let's raise an error!
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
_ , err := storage . ReadErrorExists ( 1 , "123" , types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) ) )
error is expected to be returned from called method
assert . Nil ( t , err , "no error is expected if no row is found in read_errors table" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestWriteReadError function checks the method
func TestWriteReadError ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedStatement := "INSERT INTO read_errors\\(org_id, cluster, updated_at, created_at, error_text\\) VALUES \\(\\$1, \\$2, \\$3, \\$4, \\$5\\);"
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . WriteReadError ( 1 , "foo" , time . Now ( ) , errors . New ( "my error" ) )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while writing report for cluster" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestWriteReadErrorOnError function checks the method
func TestWriteReadErrorOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedStatement := "INSERT INTO read_errors\\(org_id, cluster, updated_at, created_at, error_text\\) VALUES \\(\\$1, \\$2, \\$3, \\$4, \\$5\\);"
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . WriteReadError ( 1 , "foo" , time . Now ( ) , errors . New ( "my error" ) )
error is expected to be returned from called method
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while writing error report" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestWriteReadErrorWrongDriver function checks the method
func TestWriteReadErrorWrongDriver ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected database operations
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , wrongDatabaseDriver )
call the tested method
err := storage . WriteReadError ( 1 , "foo" , time . Now ( ) , errors . New ( "my error" ) )
error is expected to be returned from called method
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while writing error report" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadStatesEmptyRecordSet checks if method Storage.ReadStates returns
empty record set.
func TestReadStatesEmptyRecordSet ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "id" , "value" , "comment" } )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT id, value, comment FROM states ORDER BY id"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
states , err := storage . ReadStates ( )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying states table" )
no states should be returned
assert . Empty ( t , states , "Set of states should be empty" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadStatesNonEmptyRecordSet checks if method Storage.ReadStates returns
non empty record set.
func TestReadStatesNonEmptyRecordSet ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "id" , "value" , "comment" } )
these three rows should be returned
rows . AddRow ( 0 , 1000 , "ID=0" )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 2000 , "ID=1" )
rows . AddRow ( 2 , 3000 , "ID=2" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT id, value, comment FROM states ORDER BY id"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
states , err := storage . ReadStates ( )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying states table" )
exactly three states should be returned
assert . Len ( t , states , 3 , "Exactly 3 states should be returned" )
check returned result set values
for i := 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ {
assert . Equal ( t , states [ i ] . ID , types . StateID ( i ) )
assert . Equal ( t , states [ i ] . Value , strconv . Itoa ( ( i + 1 ) * 1000 ) )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadStatesOnScanError checks if method Storage.ReadStates returns
expected results on scan error.
func TestReadStatesOnScanError ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "id" , "value" , "comment" } )
these three rows should be returned
rows . AddRow ( "this is not integer!" , 1000 , "ID=0" )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 2000 , "ID=1" )
rows . AddRow ( 2 , 3000 , "ID=2" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT id, value, comment FROM states ORDER BY id"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
states , err := storage . ReadStates ( )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "an error is expected while scanning states table" )
no states should be returned
assert . Empty ( t , states , "Set of states should be empty" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadStatesOnError checks if method Storage.ReadStates returns
expected results on query error.
func TestReadStatesOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT id, value, comment FROM states ORDER BY id"
let's raise an error!
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
states , err := storage . ReadStates ( )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "an error is expected while quering states table" )
no states should be returned
assert . Empty ( t , states , "Set of states should be empty" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadClusterListEmptyRecordSet checks if method Storage.ReadClusterList
returns empty record set.
func TestReadClusterListEmptyRecordSet ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string {
"org_id" ,
"account_number" ,
"cluster" ,
"kafka_offset" ,
"updated_at" } )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := `
org_id, account_number, cluster, kafka_offset, updated_at
FROM new_reports
ORDER BY cluster, updated_at DESC`
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
clusterList , err := storage . ReadClusterList ( )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying new_reports table" )
no clusters tates should be returned
assert . Empty ( t , clusterList , "List of clusters should be empty" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadClusterListNonEmptyRecordSet checks if method Storage.ReadClusterList returns
non empty record set.
func TestReadClusterListNonEmptyRecordSet ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string {
"org_id" ,
"account_number" ,
"cluster" ,
"kafka_offset" ,
"updated_at" } )
these three rows should be returned
rows . AddRow ( 0 , 1000 , "cluster1" , 10000 , time . Now ( ) )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 2000 , "cluster2" , 10001 , time . Now ( ) )
rows . AddRow ( 2 , 3000 , "cluster3" , 10002 , time . Now ( ) )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := `
org_id, account_number, cluster, kafka_offset, updated_at
FROM new_reports
ORDER BY cluster, updated_at DESC`
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
clusterList , err := storage . ReadClusterList ( )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying new_reports table" )
exactly three clusters should be returned
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 3 , "Exactly 3 clusters should be returned" )
check returned result set values
for i := 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ {
cluster := clusterList [ i ]
assert . Equal ( t , cluster . OrgID , types . OrgID ( i ) )
assert . Equal ( t , cluster . AccountNumber , types . AccountNumber ( ( i + 1 ) * 1000 ) )
assert . Equal ( t , cluster . KafkaOffset , types . KafkaOffset ( i + 10000 ) )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadClusterListOnScanError checks if method Storage.ReadClusterList returns
expected results on scan error.
func TestReadClusterListOnScanError ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string {
"org_id" ,
"account_number" ,
"cluster" ,
"kafka_offset" ,
"updated_at" } )
these three rows should be returned
rows . AddRow ( "this is not integer!" , 1000 , "cluster1" , 10000 , time . Now ( ) )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 2000 , "cluster2" , 10001 , time . Now ( ) )
rows . AddRow ( 2 , 3000 , "cluster3" , 10002 , time . Now ( ) )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := `
org_id, account_number, cluster, kafka_offset, updated_at
FROM new_reports
ORDER BY cluster, updated_at DESC`
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
clusterList , err := storage . ReadClusterList ( )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "an error is expected while querying new_reports table" )
no clusters tates should be returned
assert . Empty ( t , clusterList , "List of clusters should be empty" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadClusterListOnError checks if method Storage.ReadClusterList returns
expected results on query error.
func TestReadClusterListOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := `
org_id, account_number, cluster, kafka_offset, updated_at
FROM new_reports
ORDER BY cluster, updated_at DESC`
let's raise an error!
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
states , err := storage . ReadClusterList ( )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "an error is expected while quering new_reports table" )
no clusters should be returned
assert . Empty ( t , states , "List of clusters should be empty" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadReportForCluster checks if method
Storage.ReadReportForCluster returns correct output.
func TestReadReportForCluster ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string {
"report" ,
"updated_at" } )
expectedTimestamp := time . Now ( )
report to be returned
expectedReport := "this is mocked report"
only one result must be returned
rows . AddRow ( expectedReport , expectedTimestamp )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := `
SELECT report, updated_at
FROM new_reports
WHERE org_id = \$1 AND cluster = \$2
ORDER BY updated_at DESC
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
parameters for tested method
orgID := types . OrgID ( 42 )
clusterName := types . ClusterName ( "foo" )
call the tested method
returnedReport , returnedTimestamp , err := storage . ReadReportForCluster ( orgID , clusterName )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying new_reports table for given cluster" )
check returned report and timestamp
assert . Equal ( t , returnedReport , types . ClusterReport ( expectedReport ) )
assert . Equal ( t , returnedTimestamp , types . Timestamp ( expectedTimestamp ) )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadReportForClusterOnScanError checks if method
Storage.ReadReportForCluster returns expected results on
scan error.
func TestReadReportForClusterOnScanError ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string {
"report" ,
"updated_at" } )
report to be returned
expectedReport := "this is mocked report"
only one result must be returned
rows . AddRow ( expectedReport , "this is not a timestamp value" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := `
SELECT report, updated_at
FROM new_reports
WHERE org_id = \$1 AND cluster = \$2
ORDER BY updated_at DESC
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
parameters for tested method
orgID := types . OrgID ( 42 )
clusterName := types . ClusterName ( "foo" )
call the tested method
returnedReport , returnedTimestamp , err := storage . ReadReportForCluster ( orgID , clusterName )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "error SHOULD be thrown while querying new_reports table for given cluster" )
check returned report and timestamp
assert . Equal ( t , returnedReport , types . ClusterReport ( expectedReport ) )
assert . True ( t , time . Time ( returnedTimestamp ) . IsZero ( ) )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadReportForClusterOnError checks if method
Storage.ReadReportForCluster returns expected results on
query error.
func TestReadReportForClusterOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := `
SELECT report, updated_at
FROM new_reports
WHERE org_id = \$1 AND cluster = \$2
ORDER BY updated_at DESC
let's raise an error!
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
parameters for tested method
orgID := types . OrgID ( 42 )
clusterName := types . ClusterName ( "foo" )
call the tested method
returnedReport , returnedTimestamp , err := storage . ReadReportForCluster ( orgID , clusterName )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "error SHOULD be thrown while querying new_reports table for given cluster" )
check returned report and timestamp
assert . Empty ( t , returnedReport )
assert . True ( t , time . Time ( returnedTimestamp ) . IsZero ( ) )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadReportForClusterAtOffset checks if method
Storage.ReadReportForClusterAtOffset returns correct output.
func TestReadReportForClusterAtOffset ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string {
"report" } )
report to be returned
expectedReport := "this is mocked report"
only one result must be returned
rows . AddRow ( expectedReport )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := `
SELECT report
FROM new_reports
WHERE org_id = \$1 AND cluster = \$2 AND kafka_offset = \$3;
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
parameters for tested method
orgID := types . OrgID ( 42 )
clusterName := types . ClusterName ( "foo" )
kafkaOffset := types . KafkaOffset ( 0 )
call the tested method
returnedReport , err := storage . ReadReportForClusterAtOffset ( orgID , clusterName , kafkaOffset )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying new_reports table for given cluster and offset" )
check returned report
assert . Equal ( t , returnedReport , types . ClusterReport ( expectedReport ) )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadReportForClusterAtOffsetOnScanError checks if method
Storage.ReadReportForClusterAtOffset returns expected results on
scan error.
func TestReadReportForClusterAtOffsetOnScanError ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string {
"report" } )
report to be returned
expectedReport := 42
only one result must be returned
rows . AddRow ( expectedReport )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := `
SELECT report
FROM new_reports
WHERE org_id = \$1 AND cluster = \$2 AND kafka_offset = \$3;
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
parameters for tested method
orgID := types . OrgID ( 42 )
clusterName := types . ClusterName ( "foo" )
kafkaOffset := types . KafkaOffset ( 0 )
call the tested method
returnedReport , err := storage . ReadReportForClusterAtOffset ( orgID , clusterName , kafkaOffset )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "error SHOULD be thrown while querying new_reports table for given cluster and offset" )
check returned report
assert . Empty ( t , returnedReport )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadReportForClusterAtOffsetOnError checks if method
Storage.ReadReportForClusterAtOffset returns expected results on
query error.
func TestReadReportForClusterAtOffsetOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := `
SELECT report
FROM new_reports
WHERE org_id = \$1 AND cluster = \$2 AND kafka_offset = \$3;
let's raise an error!
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
parameters for tested method
orgID := types . OrgID ( 42 )
clusterName := types . ClusterName ( "foo" )
kafkaOffset := types . KafkaOffset ( 0 )
call the tested method
returnedReport , err := storage . ReadReportForClusterAtOffset ( orgID , clusterName , kafkaOffset )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "error SHOULD be thrown while querying new_reports table for given cluster and offset" )
check returned report
assert . Empty ( t , returnedReport )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadReportForClusterAtTime checks if method
Storage.ReadReportForClusterAtTime returns correct output.
func TestReadReportForClusterAtTime ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string {
"report" } )
report to be returned
expectedReport := "this is mocked report"
only one result must be returned
rows . AddRow ( expectedReport )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := `
SELECT report
FROM new_reports
WHERE org_id = \$1 AND cluster = \$2 AND updated_at = \$3;
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
parameters for tested method
orgID := types . OrgID ( 42 )
clusterName := types . ClusterName ( "foo" )
updatedAt := types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) )
call the tested method
returnedReport , err := storage . ReadReportForClusterAtTime ( orgID , clusterName , updatedAt )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying new_reports table for given cluster and timestamp" )
check returned report
assert . Equal ( t , returnedReport , types . ClusterReport ( expectedReport ) )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadReportForClusterAtTimeOnScanError checks if method
Storage.ReadReportForClusterAtTime returns expected results on
scan error.
func TestReadReportForClusterAtTimeOnScanError ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string {
"report" } )
report to be returned
expectedReport := 42
only one result must be returned
rows . AddRow ( expectedReport )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := `
SELECT report
FROM new_reports
WHERE org_id = \$1 AND cluster = \$2 AND updated_at = \$3;
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
parameters for tested method
orgID := types . OrgID ( 42 )
clusterName := types . ClusterName ( "foo" )
updatedAt := types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) )
call the tested method
returnedReport , err := storage . ReadReportForClusterAtTime ( orgID , clusterName , updatedAt )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "error SHOULD be thrown while querying new_reports table for given cluster and timestamp" )
check returned report
assert . Empty ( t , returnedReport )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadReportForClusterAtTimeOnError checks if method
Storage.ReadReportForClusterAtTime returns expected results on
query error.
func TestReadReportForClusterAtTimeOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := `
SELECT report
FROM new_reports
WHERE org_id = \$1 AND cluster = \$2 AND updated_at = \$3;
let's raise an error!
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
parameters for tested method
orgID := types . OrgID ( 42 )
clusterName := types . ClusterName ( "foo" )
updatedAt := types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) )
call the tested method
returnedReport , err := storage . ReadReportForClusterAtTime ( orgID , clusterName , updatedAt )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "error SHOULD be thrown while querying new_reports table for given cluster and timestamp" )
check returned report
assert . Empty ( t , returnedReport )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestCleanup function checks the method Storage.Cleanup.
func TestCleanup ( t * testing . T ) {
const cleanupStatement = "DELETE FROM foo"
const maxAge = "1 day"
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( cleanupStatement ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
affected , err := storage . Cleanup ( maxAge , cleanupStatement )
assert . Equal ( t , affected , 1 )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while cleaning operation" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestCleanupOnError function checks the method Storage.Cleanup when error is
detected during cleanup operation.
func TestCleanupOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
const cleanupStatement = "DELETE FROM foo"
const maxAge = "1 day"
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( cleanupStatement ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
_ , err := storage . Cleanup ( maxAge , cleanupStatement )
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while writing error report" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestCleanupNewReports function checks the method
func TestCleanupNewReports ( t * testing . T ) {
const cleanupStatement = "DELETE FROM new_reports WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL"
const maxAge = "1 day"
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( cleanupStatement ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
affected , err := storage . CleanupNewReports ( maxAge )
assert . Equal ( t , affected , 1 )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while cleaning operation" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestCleanupNewReportsOnError function checks the method Storage.CleanupNewReports when error is
detected during cleanup operation.
func TestCleanupNewReportsOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
const cleanupStatement = "DELETE FROM new_reports WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL"
const maxAge = "1 day"
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( cleanupStatement ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
_ , err := storage . CleanupNewReports ( maxAge )
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while writing error report" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestCleanupOldReports function checks the method
func TestCleanupOldReports ( t * testing . T ) {
const cleanupStatement = "DELETE FROM reported WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL"
const maxAge = "1 day"
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( cleanupStatement ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
affected , err := storage . CleanupOldReports ( maxAge )
assert . Equal ( t , affected , 1 )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while cleaning operation" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestCleanupOldReportsOnError function checks the method Storage.CleanupOldReports when error is
detected during cleanup operation.
func TestCleanupOldReportsOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
const cleanupStatement = "DELETE FROM reported WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL"
const maxAge = "1 day"
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( cleanupStatement ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
_ , err := storage . CleanupOldReports ( maxAge )
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while writing error report" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestDeleteRowFromNewReports function checks the method
func TestDeleteRowFromNewReports ( t * testing . T ) {
const cleanupStatement = "DELETE FROM new_reports WHERE org_id = \\$1 AND cluster = \\$2 AND updated_at = \\$3"
const orgID = 2
const clusterName = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( cleanupStatement ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
affected , err := storage . DeleteRowFromNewReports ( types . OrgID ( orgID ) , types . ClusterName ( clusterName ) , types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) ) )
assert . Equal ( t , affected , 1 )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while deleting one row" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestDeleteRowFromNewReportsOnError function checks the method
func TestDeleteRowFromNewReportsOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
const cleanupStatement = "DELETE FROM new_reports WHERE org_id = \\$1 AND cluster = \\$2 AND updated_at = \\$3"
const orgID = 2
const clusterName = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( cleanupStatement ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
_ , err := storage . DeleteRowFromNewReports ( types . OrgID ( orgID ) , types . ClusterName ( clusterName ) , types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) ) )
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while deleting one row" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestDeleteRowFromReported function checks the method
func TestDeleteRowFromReported ( t * testing . T ) {
const cleanupStatement = "DELETE FROM reported WHERE org_id = \\$1 AND cluster = \\$2 AND notified_at = \\$3"
const orgID = 2
const clusterName = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( cleanupStatement ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
affected , err := storage . DeleteRowFromReported ( types . OrgID ( orgID ) , types . ClusterName ( clusterName ) , types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) ) )
assert . Equal ( t , affected , 1 )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while deleting one row" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestDeleteRowFromReportedOnError function checks the method
func TestDeleteRowFromReportedOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
const cleanupStatement = "DELETE FROM reported WHERE org_id = \\$1 AND cluster = \\$2 AND notified_at = \\$3"
const orgID = 2
const clusterName = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( cleanupStatement ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
_ , err := storage . DeleteRowFromReported ( types . OrgID ( orgID ) , types . ClusterName ( clusterName ) , types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) ) )
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while deleting one row" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadNotificationTypesEmptyRecordSet checks if method Storage.ReadNotificationTypes returns
empty record set.
func TestReadNotificationTypesEmptyRecordSet ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "id" , "value" , "frequency" , "comment" } )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT id, value, frequency, comment FROM notification_types ORDER BY id"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
notificationTypes , err := storage . ReadNotificationTypes ( )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying notification types" )
no notification types should be returned
assert . Empty ( t , notificationTypes , "Set of states should be empty" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadNotificationTypesNonEmptyRecordSet checks if method Storage.ReadNotificationTypes returns
non empty record set.
func TestReadNotificationTypesNonEmptyRecordSet ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "id" , "value" , "frequency" , "comment" } )
these three rows should be returned
rows . AddRow ( 0 , 1000 , 3 , "ID=0" )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 2000 , 3 , "ID=1" )
rows . AddRow ( 2 , 3000 , 3 , "ID=2" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT id, value, frequency, comment FROM notification_types ORDER BY id"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
notificationTypes , err := storage . ReadNotificationTypes ( )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying notification types" )
exactly three notification types should be returned
assert . Len ( t , notificationTypes , 3 , "Exactly 3 notification types should be returned" )
check returned result set values
for i := 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ {
assert . Equal ( t , int ( notificationTypes [ i ] . ID ) , i )
assert . Equal ( t , notificationTypes [ i ] . Value , strconv . Itoa ( ( i + 1 ) * 1000 ) )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadNotificationTypesOnScanError checks if method Storage.ReadNotificationTypes returns
expected results on scan error.
func TestReadNotificationTypesOnScanError ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "id" , "value" , "frequency" , "comment" } )
these three rows should be returned
rows . AddRow ( "this is not integer!" , 1000 , 3 , "ID=0" )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 2000 , 3 , "ID=1" )
rows . AddRow ( 2 , 3000 , 3 , "ID=2" )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT id, value, frequency, comment FROM notification_types ORDER BY id"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
notificationTypes , err := storage . ReadNotificationTypes ( )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "an error is expected while scanning states table" )
no states should be returned
assert . Empty ( t , notificationTypes , "Set of notification types should be empty" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestReadNotificationTypesOnError checks if method Storage.ReadNotificationTypes returns
expected results on query error.
func TestReadNotificationTypesOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT id, value, frequency, comment FROM notification_types ORDER BY id"
let's raise an error!
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
notificationTypes , err := storage . ReadNotificationTypes ( )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "an error is expected while quering notification types table" )
no states should be returned
assert . Empty ( t , notificationTypes , "Set of notification types should be empty" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintNewReportsEmptyRecordSet checks if method Storage.PrintNewReports performs
the right query when empty set is returned.
func TestPrintNewReportsEmptyRecordSet ( t * testing . T ) {
const maxAge = "1 day"
const tableName = "foo"
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster_name" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT id, value, FROM foo ORDER BY id"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintNewReports ( maxAge , expectedQuery , tableName )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying database" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintNewReportsNonEmptyRecordSet checks if method Storage.PrintNewReports performs
the right query when non empty set is returned.
func TestPrintNewReportsNonEmptyRecordSet ( t * testing . T ) {
const maxAge = "1 day"
const tableName = "foo"
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster_name" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
these three rows should be returned
rows . AddRow ( 0 , 1000 , "ID=0" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 1001 , "ID=1" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 2 , 1002 , "ID=2" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT id, value, FROM foo ORDER BY id"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintNewReports ( maxAge , expectedQuery , tableName )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying database" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintNewReportsOnScanError checks if method Storage.PrintNewReports performs
the test for query errors.
func TestPrintNewReportsOnScanError ( t * testing . T ) {
const maxAge = "1 day"
const tableName = "foo"
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster_name" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
these three rows should be returned
rows . AddRow ( 0 , "not a number!" , "ID=0" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , "not a number!" , "ID=1" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 2 , "not a number!" , "ID=2" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT id, value, FROM foo ORDER BY id"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintNewReports ( maxAge , expectedQuery , tableName )
tested method should return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while querying database" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintNewReportsOnError checks if method Storage.ReadNotificationTypes returns
expected results on error.
func TestPrintNewReportsOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
const maxAge = "1 day"
const tableName = "foo"
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT id, value, frequency, comment FROM notification_types ORDER BY id"
let's raise an error!
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintNewReports ( maxAge , expectedQuery , tableName )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "an error is expected while quering notification types table" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestStorageClose tests method Storage.Close
func TestStorageClose ( t * testing . T ) {
storage , err := differ . NewStorage ( & conf . StorageConfiguration {
Driver : "postgres" ,
PGPort : 1234 ,
PGUsername : "user" ,
LogSQLQueries : true ,
} )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error retrieving new storage" )
err = storage . Close ( )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error closing storage" )
TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupEmptyRecordSet checks if method Storage.PrintNewReportsForCleanup performs
the right query when empty set is returned.
func TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupEmptyRecordSet ( t * testing . T ) {
const maxAge = "1 day"
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster_name" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, kafka_offset\n\t\t FROM new_reports\n\t\t WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL\n\t\t ORDER BY updated_at\n"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintNewReportsForCleanup ( maxAge )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying database" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupNonEmptyRecordSet checks if method Storage.PrintNewReportsForCleanup performs
the right query when non empty set is returned.
func TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupNonEmptyRecordSet ( t * testing . T ) {
const maxAge = "1 day"
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster_name" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
these three rows should be returned
rows . AddRow ( 0 , 1000 , "ID=0" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 1001 , "ID=1" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 2 , 1002 , "ID=2" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, kafka_offset\n\t\t FROM new_reports\n\t\t WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL\n\t\t ORDER BY updated_at\n"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintNewReportsForCleanup ( maxAge )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying database" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupOnScanError checks if method Storage.PrintNewReportsForCleanup performs
the test for query errors.
func TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupOnScanError ( t * testing . T ) {
const maxAge = "1 day"
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster_name" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
these three rows should be returned
rows . AddRow ( 0 , "not a number!" , "ID=0" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , "not a number!" , "ID=1" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 2 , "not a number!" , "ID=2" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, kafka_offset\n\t\t FROM new_reports\n\t\t WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL\n\t\t ORDER BY updated_at\n"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintNewReportsForCleanup ( maxAge )
tested method should return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while querying database" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupOnError checks if method Storage.PrintNewReportsForCleanup returns
expected results on error.
func TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
const maxAge = "1 day"
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, kafka_offset\n\t\t FROM new_reports\n\t\t WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL\n\t\t ORDER BY updated_at\n"
let's raise an error!
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintNewReportsForCleanup ( maxAge )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "an error is expected while quering notification types table" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintOldReportsForCleanupEmptyRecordSet checks if method Storage.PrintOldReportsForCleanup performs
the right query when empty set is returned.
func TestPrintOldReportsForCleanupEmptyRecordSet ( t * testing . T ) {
const maxAge = "1 day"
prepare Old mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster_name" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, 0\n\t\t FROM reported\n\t\t WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL\n\t\t ORDER BY updated_at\n"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintOldReportsForCleanup ( maxAge )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying database" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintOldReportsForCleanupNonEmptyRecordSet checks if method Storage.PrintOldReportsForCleanup performs
the right query when non empty set is returned.
func TestPrintOldReportsForCleanupNonEmptyRecordSet ( t * testing . T ) {
const maxAge = "1 day"
prepare Old mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster_name" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
these three rows should be returned
rows . AddRow ( 0 , 1000 , "ID=0" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 1001 , "ID=1" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 2 , 1002 , "ID=2" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, 0\n\t\t FROM reported\n\t\t WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL\n\t\t ORDER BY updated_at\n"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintOldReportsForCleanup ( maxAge )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying database" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintOldReportsForCleanupOnScanError checks if method Storage.PrintOldReportsForCleanup performs
the test for query errors.
func TestPrintOldReportsForCleanupOnScanError ( t * testing . T ) {
const maxAge = "1 day"
prepare Old mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster_name" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
these three rows should be returned
rows . AddRow ( 0 , "not a number!" , "ID=0" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , "not a number!" , "ID=1" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 2 , "not a number!" , "ID=2" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, 0\n\t\t FROM reported\n\t\t WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL\n\t\t ORDER BY updated_at\n"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintOldReportsForCleanup ( maxAge )
tested method should return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while querying database" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintOldReportsForCleanupOnError checks if method Storage.PrintOldReportsForCleanup returns
expected results on error.
func TestPrintOldReportsForCleanupOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
const maxAge = "1 day"
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare Old mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, 0\n\t\t FROM reported\n\t\t WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL\n\t\t ORDER BY updated_at\n"
let's raise an error!
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintOldReportsForCleanup ( maxAge )
tested method SHOULD return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "an error is expected while quering notification types table" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
func tryToWriteNotificationRecordImpl ( storage * differ . DBStorage ) error {
insert parameters
orgID := types . OrgID ( 1 )
accountNumber := types . AccountNumber ( 2 )
clusterName := types . ClusterName ( "foo" )
notificationTypeID := types . NotificationTypeID ( 0 )
stateID := types . StateID ( 0 )
report := types . ClusterReport ( "" )
updatedAt := types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) )
notifiedAt := types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) )
errorLog := ""
eventTarget := types . EventTarget ( 1 )
return storage . WriteNotificationRecordImpl (
orgID , accountNumber , clusterName , notificationTypeID ,
stateID , report , updatedAt , notifiedAt , errorLog , eventTarget )
expected query performed by tested function
const expectedStatementWriteNotificationReportImpl = "INSERT INTO reported \\(org_id, account_number, cluster, notification_type, state, report, updated_at, notified_at, error_log, event_type_id\\) VALUES \\(\\$1, \\$2, \\$3, \\$4, \\$5\\, \\$6\\, \\$7\\, \\$8\\, \\$9\\, \\$10\\)"
TestWriteNotificationRecordImpl function checks the method
func TestWriteNotificationRecordImpl ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatementWriteNotificationReportImpl ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := tryToWriteNotificationRecordImpl ( storage )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while writing report for cluster" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestWriteNotificationRecordImplOnError function checks the method
func TestWriteNotificationRecordImplOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatementWriteNotificationReportImpl ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := tryToWriteNotificationRecordImpl ( storage )
error is expected to be returned from called method
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while writing error report" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestWriteNotificationRecordImplWrongDriver function checks the method
func TestWriteNotificationRecordImplWrongDriver ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected database operations
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , wrongDatabaseDriver )
call the tested method
err := tryToWriteNotificationRecordImpl ( storage )
error is expected to be returned from called method
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while writing error report" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
expected query performed by tested function
const expectedStatementWriteNotificationReport = "INSERT INTO reported \\(org_id, account_number, cluster, notification_type, state, report, updated_at, notified_at, error_log, event_type_id\\) VALUES \\(\\$1, \\$2, \\$3, \\$4, \\$5\\, \\$6\\, \\$7\\, \\$8\\, \\$9\\, \\$10\\)"
TestWriteNotificationRecord function checks the method
func TestWriteNotificationRecord ( t * testing . T ) {
empty record to be stored in database
notificationRecord := types . NotificationRecord { }
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatementWriteNotificationReport ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . WriteNotificationRecord ( & notificationRecord )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while writing report for cluster" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestWriteNotificationRecordOnError function checks the method
func TestWriteNotificationRecordOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
empty record to be stored in database
notificationRecord := types . NotificationRecord { }
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatementWriteNotificationReport ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . WriteNotificationRecord ( & notificationRecord )
error is expected to be returned from called method
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while writing error report" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestWriteNotificationRecordWrongDriver function checks the method
func TestWriteNotificationRecordWrongDriver ( t * testing . T ) {
empty record to be stored in database
notificationRecord := types . NotificationRecord { }
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected database operations
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , wrongDatabaseDriver )
call the tested method
err := storage . WriteNotificationRecord ( & notificationRecord )
error is expected to be returned from called method
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while writing error report" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
func tryToWriteNotificationRecordForCluster ( storage * differ . DBStorage ) error {
insert parameters
notificationTypeID := types . NotificationTypeID ( 0 )
stateID := types . StateID ( 0 )
report := types . ClusterReport ( "" )
notifiedAt := types . Timestamp ( time . Now ( ) )
errorLog := ""
eventTarget := types . EventTarget ( 1 )
clusterEntry := types . ClusterEntry {
OrgID : types . OrgID ( 1 ) ,
AccountNumber : types . AccountNumber ( 2 ) ,
ClusterName : types . ClusterName ( "foo" ) ,
call the tested function
return storage . WriteNotificationRecordForCluster ( clusterEntry ,
notificationTypeID , stateID , report , notifiedAt ,
errorLog , eventTarget )
expected query performed by tested function
const expectedStatementWriteNotificationReportForCluster = "INSERT INTO reported \\(org_id, account_number, cluster, notification_type, state, report, updated_at, notified_at, error_log, event_type_id\\) VALUES \\(\\$1, \\$2, \\$3, \\$4, \\$5\\, \\$6\\, \\$7\\, \\$8\\, \\$9\\, \\$10\\)"
TestWriteNotificationRecordForCluster function checks the method
func TestWriteNotificationRecordForCluster ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatementWriteNotificationReportForCluster ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := tryToWriteNotificationRecordForCluster ( storage )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while writing report for cluster" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestWriteNotificationRecordForClusterOnError function checks the method
func TestWriteNotificationRecordForClusterOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatementWriteNotificationReportForCluster ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := tryToWriteNotificationRecordForCluster ( storage )
error is expected to be returned from called method
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while writing error report" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestWriteNotificationRecordForClusterWrongDriver function checks the method
func TestWriteNotificationRecordForClusterWrongDriver ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected database operations
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , wrongDatabaseDriver )
call the tested method
err := tryToWriteNotificationRecordForCluster ( storage )
error is expected to be returned from called method
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while writing error report" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )