package differ
Generated documentation is available at:
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
This source file contains an implementation of interface between Go code and
(almost any) SQL database like PostgreSQL, SQLite, or MariaDB.
It is possible to configure connection to selected database by using
StorageConfiguration structure. Currently that structure contains two
configurable parameter:
Driver - a SQL driver, like "sqlite3", "pq" etc.
DataSource - specification of data source. The content of this parameter depends on the database used.
import (
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
_ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3"
Storage represents an interface to almost any database or storage system
type Storage interface {
Close ( ) error
ReadReportForCluster (
orgID types . OrgID , clusterName types . ClusterName ) ( types . ClusterReport , types . Timestamp , error ,
ReadClusterList ( ) ( [ ] types . ClusterEntry , error )
ReadNotificationTypes ( ) ( [ ] types . NotificationType , error )
ReadStates ( ) ( [ ] types . State , error )
ReadReportForClusterAtTime (
orgID types . OrgID , clusterName types . ClusterName ,
updatedAt types . Timestamp ) ( types . ClusterReport , error ,
ReadReportForClusterAtOffset (
orgID types . OrgID , clusterName types . ClusterName ,
offset types . KafkaOffset ) ( types . ClusterReport , error ,
ReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterList (
clusterEntries [ ] types . ClusterEntry , timeOffset string , eventTarget types . EventTarget ) ( types . NotifiedRecordsPerCluster , error )
WriteNotificationRecord (
notificationRecord * types . NotificationRecord ) error
WriteNotificationRecordForCluster (
clusterEntry types . ClusterEntry ,
notificationTypeID types . NotificationTypeID ,
stateID types . StateID ,
report types . ClusterReport ,
notifiedAt types . Timestamp ,
errorLog string ,
eventTarget types . EventTarget ) error
WriteNotificationRecordImpl (
orgID types . OrgID ,
accountNumber types . AccountNumber ,
clusterName types . ClusterName ,
notificationTypeID types . NotificationTypeID ,
stateID types . StateID ,
report types . ClusterReport ,
updatedAt types . Timestamp ,
notifiedAt types . Timestamp ,
errorLog string ,
eventType types . EventTarget ) error
ReadErrorExists (
orgID types . OrgID ,
clusterName types . ClusterName ,
updatedAt types . Timestamp ,
) ( bool , error )
WriteReadError (
orgID types . OrgID ,
clusterName types . ClusterName ,
lastCheckedTime time . Time ,
e error ) error
DeleteRowFromNewReports (
orgID types . OrgID ,
clusterName types . ClusterName ,
updatedAt types . Timestamp ) ( int , error )
DeleteRowFromReported (
orgID types . OrgID ,
clusterName types . ClusterName ,
notifiedAt types . Timestamp ) ( int , error )
PrintNewReportsForCleanup ( maxAge string ) error
CleanupNewReports ( maxAge string ) ( int , error )
PrintOldReportsForCleanup ( maxAge string ) error
CleanupOldReports ( maxAge string ) ( int , error )
DBStorage is an implementation of Storage interface that use selected SQL like database
like SQLite, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, RDS etc. That implementation is based on the standard
sql package. It is possible to configure connection via Configuration structure.
SQLQueriesLog is log for sql queries, default is nil which means nothing is logged
type DBStorage struct {
connection * sql . DB
dbDriverType types . DBDriver
error messages
const (
unableToCloseDBRowsHandle = "Unable to close DB rows handle"
other messages
const (
OrgIDMessage = "Organization ID"
ClusterNameMessage = "Cluster name"
TimestampMessage = "Timestamp (notified_at/updated_at)"
AccountNumberMessage = "Account number"
UpdatedAtMessage = "Updated at"
AgeMessage = "Age"
MaxAgeAttribute = "max age"
DeleteStatement = "delete statement"
SQL statements
const (
Delete older records from new_reports table
deleteOldRecordsFromNewReportsTable = `
FROM new_reports
WHERE updated_at < NOW() - $1::INTERVAL
Delete older records from reported table
deleteOldRecordsFromReportedTable = `
FROM reported
WHERE updated_at < NOW() - $1::INTERVAL
Delete one row from new_reports table for given organization ID, cluster name, and updated at timestamp
deleteRowFromNewReportsTable = `
FROM new_reports
WHERE org_id = $1
AND cluster = $2
AND updated_at = $3
Delete one row from reported table for given organization ID, cluster name, and notified at timestamp
deleteRowFromReportedTable = `
FROM reported
WHERE org_id = $1
AND cluster = $2
AND notified_at = $3
Display older records from new_reports table
displayOldRecordsFromNewReportsTable = `
SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, kafka_offset
FROM new_reports
WHERE updated_at < NOW() - $1::INTERVAL
ORDER BY updated_at
Display older records from reported table
displayOldRecordsFromReportedTable = `
SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, 0
FROM reported
WHERE updated_at < NOW() - $1::INTERVAL
ORDER BY updated_at
QueryRecordExistsInReadErrors = `
SELECT exists(SELECT 1 FROM read_errors WHERE org_id=$1 and cluster=$2 and updated_at=$3);
InsertReadErrorsStatement = `
INSERT INTO read_errors(org_id, cluster, updated_at, created_at, error_text)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
ReadReportForClusterQuery = `
SELECT report, updated_at
FROM new_reports
WHERE org_id = $1 AND cluster = $2
ORDER BY updated_at DESC
ReadReportForClusterAtOffsetQuery = `
SELECT report
FROM new_reports
WHERE org_id = $1 AND cluster = $2 AND kafka_offset = $3;
ReadReportForClusterAtTimeQuery = `
SELECT report
FROM new_reports
WHERE org_id = $1 AND cluster = $2 AND updated_at = $3;
inClauseFromStringSlice is a helper function to construct in clause for SQL
statement from a given slice of string items. If the slice is empty, an
empty string will be returned, making the in clause fail.
func inClauseFromStringSlice ( slice [ ] string ) string {
if len ( slice ) == 0 {
return ""
return "'" + strings . Join ( slice , `','` ) + `'`
NewStorage function creates and initializes a new instance of Storage interface
func NewStorage ( configuration * conf . StorageConfiguration ) ( * DBStorage , error ) {
driverType , driverName , dataSource , err := initAndGetDriver ( configuration )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
log . Info ( ) . Msgf (
"Making connection to data storage, driver=%s datasource=%s" ,
driverName , dataSource ,
connection , err := sql . Open ( driverName , dataSource )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Can not connect to data storage" )
return nil , err
return NewFromConnection ( connection , driverType ) , nil
NewFromConnection function creates and initializes a new instance of Storage interface from prepared connection
func NewFromConnection ( connection * sql . DB , dbDriverType types . DBDriver ) * DBStorage {
return & DBStorage {
connection : connection ,
dbDriverType : dbDriverType ,
initAndGetDriver initializes driver(with logs if logSQLQueries is true),
checks if it's supported and returns driver type, driver name, dataSource and error
func initAndGetDriver ( configuration * conf . StorageConfiguration ) ( driverType types . DBDriver , driverName , dataSource string , err error ) {
driverName = configuration . Driver
switch driverName {
case "sqlite3" :
driverType = types . DBDriverSQLite3
case "postgres" :
driverType = types . DBDriverPostgres
dataSource = fmt . Sprintf (
"postgresql://%v:%v@%v:%v/%v?%v" ,
configuration . PGUsername ,
configuration . PGPassword ,
configuration . PGHost ,
configuration . PGPort ,
configuration . PGDBName ,
configuration . PGParams ,
default :
err = fmt . Errorf ( "driver %v is not supported" , driverName )
Close method closes the connection to database. Needs to be called at the end of application lifecycle.
func ( storage DBStorage ) Close ( ) error {
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "Closing connection to data storage" )
if storage . connection != nil {
err := storage . connection . Close ( )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Can not close connection to data storage" )
return err
return nil
ReadNotificationTypes method read all notification types from the database.
func ( storage DBStorage ) ReadNotificationTypes ( ) ( [ ] types . NotificationType , error ) {
var notificationTypes = make ( [ ] types . NotificationType , 0 )
rows , err := storage . connection . Query ( "SELECT id, value, frequency, comment FROM notification_types ORDER BY id" )
if err != nil {
return notificationTypes , err
defer func ( ) {
try to close row set in all cases
even on scan error etc.
err := rows . Close ( )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( unableToCloseDBRowsHandle )
} ( )
for rows . Next ( ) {
var (
id types . NotificationTypeID
value string
frequency string
comment string
if err := rows . Scan ( & id , & value , & frequency , & comment ) ; err != nil {
return notificationTypes , err
notificationTypes = append ( notificationTypes , types . NotificationType {
ID : id , Value : value , Frequency : frequency , Comment : comment } )
return notificationTypes , nil
ReadStates method reads all possible notification states from the database.
func ( storage DBStorage ) ReadStates ( ) ( [ ] types . State , error ) {
var states = make ( [ ] types . State , 0 )
rows , err := storage . connection . Query ( "SELECT id, value, comment FROM states ORDER BY id" )
if err != nil {
return states , err
defer func ( ) {
try to close row set in all cases
even on scan error etc.
err := rows . Close ( )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( unableToCloseDBRowsHandle )
} ( )
for rows . Next ( ) {
var (
id types . StateID
value string
comment string
if err := rows . Scan ( & id , & value , & comment ) ; err != nil {
return states , err
states = append ( states , types . State {
ID : id , Value : value , Comment : comment } )
return states , nil
ReadClusterList method creates list of clusters from all the rows in new_reports table.
func ( storage DBStorage ) ReadClusterList ( ) ( [ ] types . ClusterEntry , error ) {
var clusterList = make ( [ ] types . ClusterEntry , 0 )
rows , err := storage . connection . Query ( `
org_id, account_number, cluster, kafka_offset, updated_at
FROM new_reports
ORDER BY cluster, updated_at DESC` )
if err != nil {
return clusterList , err
defer func ( ) {
try to close row set in all cases
even on scan error etc.
err := rows . Close ( )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( unableToCloseDBRowsHandle )
} ( )
for rows . Next ( ) {
var (
clusterName types . ClusterName
orgID types . OrgID
accountNumber types . AccountNumber
kafkaOffset types . KafkaOffset
updatedAt types . Timestamp
if err := rows . Scan ( & orgID , & accountNumber , & clusterName , & kafkaOffset , & updatedAt ) ; err != nil {
return clusterList , err
clusterList = append ( clusterList , types . ClusterEntry {
OrgID : orgID ,
AccountNumber : accountNumber ,
ClusterName : clusterName ,
KafkaOffset : kafkaOffset ,
UpdatedAt : updatedAt } )
return clusterList , nil
ReadReportForClusterAtTime reads result (health status) for selected cluster
and given timestamp. It is possible that there are more reports stored for a
cluster, so it is needed to specify timestamp to select just one such
See also: ReadReportForClusterAtOffset
func ( storage DBStorage ) ReadReportForClusterAtTime (
orgID types . OrgID , clusterName types . ClusterName ,
updatedAt types . Timestamp ,
) ( types . ClusterReport , error ) {
var report types . ClusterReport
explicit conversion is needed there - SQL library issue
timestamp := time . Time ( updatedAt )
query := ReadReportForClusterAtTimeQuery
err := storage . connection . QueryRow (
query , orgID , clusterName , timestamp ,
) . Scan ( & report )
if err != nil {
return report , err
return report , nil
ReadReportForClusterAtOffset reads result (health status) for selected cluster
and given Kafka offset. It is possible that there are more reports stored for a
cluster, so it is needed to specify Kafka offset to select just one such
See also: ReadReportForClusterAtTime
func ( storage DBStorage ) ReadReportForClusterAtOffset (
orgID types . OrgID , clusterName types . ClusterName ,
kafkaOffset types . KafkaOffset ,
) ( types . ClusterReport , error ) {
var report types . ClusterReport
query := ReadReportForClusterAtOffsetQuery
err := storage . connection . QueryRow (
query , orgID , clusterName , kafkaOffset ,
) . Scan ( & report )
if err != nil {
return report , err
return report , nil
ReadReportForCluster reads the latest result (health status) for selected
func ( storage DBStorage ) ReadReportForCluster (
orgID types . OrgID , clusterName types . ClusterName ,
) ( types . ClusterReport , types . Timestamp , error ) {
var updatedAt types . Timestamp
var report types . ClusterReport
query to retrieve just the latest report for given cluster
query := ReadReportForClusterQuery
err := storage . connection . QueryRow ( query , orgID , clusterName ) . Scan ( & report , & updatedAt )
if err != nil {
return report , updatedAt , err
return report , updatedAt , nil
WriteNotificationRecord method writes a report (with given state and
notification type) into the database table reported . Data for several
columns are passed via NotificationRecord structure.
See also: WriteNotificationRecordForCluster, WriteNotificationRecordImpl
func ( storage DBStorage ) WriteNotificationRecord (
notificationRecord * types . NotificationRecord ) error {
return storage . WriteNotificationRecordImpl ( notificationRecord . OrgID ,
notificationRecord . AccountNumber , notificationRecord . ClusterName ,
notificationRecord . NotificationTypeID , notificationRecord . StateID ,
notificationRecord . Report , notificationRecord . UpdatedAt ,
notificationRecord . NotifiedAt , notificationRecord . ErrorLog ,
types . NotificationBackendTarget )
WriteNotificationRecordImpl method writes a report (with given state and
notification type) into the database table reported . Data for all columns
are passed explicitly.
See also: WriteNotificationRecord, WriteNotificationRecordForCluster
func ( storage DBStorage ) WriteNotificationRecordImpl (
orgID types . OrgID ,
accountNumber types . AccountNumber ,
clusterName types . ClusterName ,
notificationTypeID types . NotificationTypeID ,
stateID types . StateID ,
report types . ClusterReport ,
updatedAt types . Timestamp ,
notifiedAt types . Timestamp ,
errorLog string ,
eventTarget types . EventTarget ) error {
const insertStatement = `
INSERT INTO reported
(org_id, account_number, cluster, notification_type, state, report, updated_at, notified_at, error_log, event_type_id)
($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)
_ , err := storage . connection . Exec ( insertStatement , orgID ,
accountNumber , clusterName , notificationTypeID , stateID ,
report , time . Time ( updatedAt ) , time . Time ( notifiedAt ) , errorLog , eventTarget )
return err
WriteNotificationRecordForCluster method writes a report (with given state
and notification type) into the database table reported . Data for several
columns are passed via ClusterEntry structure (as returned by
ReadReportForClusterAtTime and ReadReportForClusterAtOffset methods).
See also: WriteNotificationRecord, WriteNotificationRecordImpl
func ( storage DBStorage ) WriteNotificationRecordForCluster (
clusterEntry types . ClusterEntry ,
notificationTypeID types . NotificationTypeID ,
stateID types . StateID ,
report types . ClusterReport ,
notifiedAt types . Timestamp ,
errorLog string ,
eventTarget types . EventTarget ) error {
return storage . WriteNotificationRecordImpl ( clusterEntry . OrgID ,
clusterEntry . AccountNumber , clusterEntry . ClusterName ,
notificationTypeID , stateID , report , clusterEntry . UpdatedAt ,
notifiedAt , errorLog , eventTarget )
ReadErrorExists method checks if readerrors table contains given
combination orgid+clustername+updatedat
func ( storage DBStorage ) ReadErrorExists (
orgID types . OrgID ,
clusterName types . ClusterName ,
updatedAt types . Timestamp ,
) ( bool , error ) {
perform query
rows , err := storage . connection . Query ( QueryRecordExistsInReadErrors , orgID , clusterName , time . Time ( updatedAt ) )
check for any error during query
if err != nil {
errNoRows is expected
if err == sql . ErrNoRows {
return false , nil
return false , err
be sure to close result set properly
defer func ( ) {
err := rows . Close ( )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( unableToCloseDBRowsHandle )
} ( )
only one record should returned
if rows . Next ( ) {
var exists bool
err := rows . Scan ( & exists )
if err != nil {
return false , err
return exists , nil
return false , errors . New ( "unable to read from table read_errors" )
WriteReadError method writes information about read error into table
func ( storage DBStorage ) WriteReadError (
orgID types . OrgID ,
clusterName types . ClusterName ,
lastCheckedTime time . Time ,
e error ,
) error {
if storage . dbDriverType != types . DBDriverSQLite3 && storage . dbDriverType != types . DBDriverPostgres {
return fmt . Errorf ( "writing error with DB %v is not supported" , storage . dbDriverType )
createdAt := time . Now ( )
errorText := e . Error ( )
_ , err := storage . connection . Exec ( InsertReadErrorsStatement , orgID , clusterName , lastCheckedTime , createdAt , errorText )
if err != nil {
log . Err ( err ) .
Int ( "org" , int ( orgID ) ) .
Str ( clusterStr , string ( clusterName ) ) .
Str ( "last checked" , lastCheckedTime . String ( ) ) .
Str ( "created at" , createdAt . String ( ) ) .
Str ( "error text" , errorText ) .
Msg ( "Unable to write record into read_error table" )
return err
return nil
ReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterList method returns the last notification
with state = 'sent' for given event target, organization IDs and clusters.
func ( storage DBStorage ) ReadLastNotifiedRecordForClusterList (
clusterEntries [ ] types . ClusterEntry , timeOffset string , eventTarget types . EventTarget ,
) ( types . NotifiedRecordsPerCluster , error ) {
if len ( clusterEntries ) == 0 {
return types . NotifiedRecordsPerCluster { } , nil
if strings . TrimSpace ( timeOffset ) == "" || strings . Split ( timeOffset , " " ) [ 0 ] == "0" {
return types . NotifiedRecordsPerCluster { } , nil
orgIDs := make ( [ ] string , len ( clusterEntries ) )
clusterIDs := make ( [ ] string , len ( clusterEntries ) )
for idx , entry := range clusterEntries {
orgIDs [ idx ] = strconv . FormatUint ( uint64 ( entry . OrgID ) , 10 )
clusterIDs [ idx ] = string ( entry . ClusterName )
selectQuery := `SELECT org_id, cluster, report, notified_at FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (cluster) * FROM reported`
whereClause := fmt . Sprintf ( ` WHERE event_type_id = %v AND state = 1 AND org_id IN (%v) AND cluster IN (%v)` ,
eventTarget , inClauseFromStringSlice ( orgIDs ) , inClauseFromStringSlice ( clusterIDs ) )
orderByClause := `ORDER BY cluster, notified_at DESC) t`
filterByTimeClause := "WHERE notified_at > NOW() - $1::INTERVAL"
query := strings . Join ( [ ] string { selectQuery , whereClause , orderByClause , filterByTimeClause , ";" } , " " )
rows , err := storage . connection . Query ( query , timeOffset )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
defer func ( ) {
err := rows . Close ( )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( unableToCloseDBRowsHandle )
} ( )
notificationRecords := make ( types . NotifiedRecordsPerCluster )
for rows . Next ( ) {
var (
orgID types . OrgID
clusterName types . ClusterName
report types . ClusterReport
notifiedAt types . Timestamp
err := rows . Scan ( & orgID , & clusterName , & report , & notifiedAt )
if err != nil {
if closeErr := rows . Close ( ) ; closeErr != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( closeErr ) . Msg ( unableToCloseDBRowsHandle )
return notificationRecords , err
key := types . ClusterOrgKey { OrgID : orgID , ClusterName : clusterName }
notificationRecords [ key ] = types . NotificationRecord {
OrgID : orgID ,
ClusterName : clusterName ,
Report : report ,
NotifiedAt : notifiedAt ,
return notificationRecords , nil
DeleteRowFromNewReports deletes one selected row from new_reports table.
Number of deleted rows (zero or one) is returned.
func ( storage DBStorage ) DeleteRowFromNewReports (
orgID types . OrgID ,
clusterName types . ClusterName ,
updatedAt types . Timestamp ) ( int , error ) {
sqlStatement := deleteRowFromNewReportsTable
return storage . deleteRowImpl ( sqlStatement , orgID , clusterName , updatedAt )
DeleteRowFromReported deletes one selected row from reported table.
Number of deleted rows (zero or one) is returned.
func ( storage DBStorage ) DeleteRowFromReported (
orgID types . OrgID ,
clusterName types . ClusterName ,
notifiedAt types . Timestamp ) ( int , error ) {
sqlStatement := deleteRowFromReportedTable
return storage . deleteRowImpl ( sqlStatement , orgID , clusterName , notifiedAt )
getPrintableStatement returns SQL statement in form prepared for logging
func getPrintableStatement ( sqlStatement string ) string {
s := strings . ReplaceAll ( sqlStatement , "\n" , " " )
s = strings . ReplaceAll ( s , "\t" , "" )
return strings . Trim ( s , " " )
deleteRowImpl method deletes one row from selected table.
Number of deleted rows (zero or one) is returned.
func ( storage DBStorage ) deleteRowImpl (
sqlStatement string ,
orgID types . OrgID ,
clusterName types . ClusterName ,
timestamp types . Timestamp ) ( int , error ) {
printableStatement := getPrintableStatement ( sqlStatement )
log . Debug ( ) .
Str ( "delete one row" , printableStatement ) .
Int ( OrgIDMessage , int ( orgID ) ) .
Str ( ClusterNameMessage , string ( clusterName ) ) .
Str ( TimestampMessage , time . Time ( timestamp ) . String ( ) ) .
Msg ( "Selected row cleanup" )
perform the SQL statement to delete one row
result , err := storage . connection . Exec ( sqlStatement , int ( orgID ) , string ( clusterName ) , time . Time ( timestamp ) )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
read number of affected (deleted) rows
affected , err := result . RowsAffected ( )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
return int ( affected ) , nil
PrintNewReports method prints all reports from selected table older than
specified relative time
func ( storage DBStorage ) PrintNewReports ( maxAge , query , tableName string ) error {
log . Info ( ) .
Str ( MaxAgeAttribute , maxAge ) .
Str ( "select statement" , query ) .
Msg ( "PrintReportsForCleanup operation" )
rows , err := storage . connection . Query ( query , maxAge )
if err != nil {
return err
used to compute a real record age
now := time . Now ( )
iterate over all old records
for rows . Next ( ) {
var (
orgID int
accountNumber int
clusterName string
updatedAt time . Time
kafkaOffset int64
read one old record from the report table
if err := rows . Scan ( & orgID , & accountNumber , & clusterName , & updatedAt , & kafkaOffset ) ; err != nil {
close the result set in case of any error
if closeErr := rows . Close ( ) ; closeErr != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( closeErr ) . Msg ( unableToCloseDBRowsHandle )
return err
compute the real record age
age := int ( math . Ceil ( now . Sub ( updatedAt ) . Hours ( ) / 24 ) )
prepare for the report
updatedAtF := updatedAt . Format ( time . RFC3339 )
just print the report
log . Info ( ) .
Int ( OrgIDMessage , orgID ) .
Int ( AccountNumberMessage , accountNumber ) .
Str ( ClusterNameMessage , clusterName ) .
Str ( UpdatedAtMessage , updatedAtF ) .
Int ( AgeMessage , age ) .
Msg ( "Old report from `" + tableName + "` table" )
return nil
PrintNewReportsForCleanup method prints all reports from new_reports table
older than specified relative time
func ( storage DBStorage ) PrintNewReportsForCleanup ( maxAge string ) error {
return storage . PrintNewReports ( maxAge , displayOldRecordsFromNewReportsTable , "new_reports" )
PrintOldReportsForCleanup method prints all reports from reported table
older than specified relative time
func ( storage DBStorage ) PrintOldReportsForCleanup ( maxAge string ) error {
return storage . PrintNewReports ( maxAge , displayOldRecordsFromReportedTable , "reported" )
Cleanup method deletes all reports older than specified
relative time
func ( storage DBStorage ) Cleanup ( maxAge , statement string ) ( int , error ) {
log . Info ( ) .
Str ( MaxAgeAttribute , maxAge ) .
Str ( DeleteStatement , statement ) .
Msg ( "Cleanup operation for all organizations" )
perform the SQL statement
result , err := storage . connection . Exec ( statement , maxAge )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
read number of affected (deleted) rows
affected , err := result . RowsAffected ( )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
return int ( affected ) , nil
CleanupNewReports method deletes all reports from new_reports table older
than specified relative time
func ( storage DBStorage ) CleanupNewReports ( maxAge string ) ( int , error ) {
return storage . Cleanup ( maxAge , deleteOldRecordsFromNewReportsTable )
CleanupOldReports method deletes all reports from reported table older
than specified relative time
func ( storage DBStorage ) CleanupOldReports ( maxAge string ) ( int , error ) {
return storage . Cleanup ( maxAge , deleteOldRecordsFromReportedTable )