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import (
httputils ""
utypes ""
func renderReportsForCluster (
config * conf . DependenciesConfiguration ,
clusterName types . ClusterName ,
reports types . ReportContent ,
ruleContent types . Rules ) ( [ ] types . RenderedReport , error ) {
log . Debug ( ) . Str ( clusterStr , string ( clusterName ) ) . Msg ( "RenderReportsForCluster" )
req , err := createTemplateRendererRequest ( ruleContent , reports , clusterName , config . TemplateRendererURL )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Request to content template renderer could not be created" )
return nil , err
body , err := httputils . SendRequest ( req , 10 * time . Second )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Request to content template renderer could not be processed" )
return nil , err
log . Debug ( ) . Bytes ( "response body" , body ) . Msg ( "Response received from template renderer" )
var receivedResult types . TemplateRendererOutput
err = json . Unmarshal ( body , & receivedResult )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) .
Bytes ( "response body" , body ) .
Err ( err ) .
Msg ( "Error trying to decode template renderer output from received answer" )
return nil , err
log . Debug ( ) . Interface ( "unmarshalled" , receivedResult ) . Msg ( "Received result" )
TODO: create map[module+err_key]rendererReport here to not loop through rendered reports once for each report
return receivedResult . Reports [ clusterName ] , nil
func getAllContentFromMap ( ruleContent types . RulesMap ) [ ] utypes . RuleContent {
contents := make ( [ ] utypes . RuleContent , len ( ruleContent ) )
i := 0
for key := range ruleContent {
contents [ i ] = ruleContent [ key ]
i ++
return contents
func createTemplateRendererRequest (
rules types . Rules ,
reports types . ReportContent ,
clusterName types . ClusterName ,
rendererURL string ) ( * http . Request , error ) {
requestBody := types . TemplateRendererRequestBody {
Content : rules ,
ReportData : types . ReportData {
Reports : map [ types . ClusterName ] types . Report {
clusterName : { Reports : reports } ,
} ,
Clusters : [ ] types . ClusterName { clusterName } ,
} ,
requestJSON , err := json . Marshal ( requestBody )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Got error while creating json with content and report data" )
return nil , err
req , err := http . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , rendererURL , bytes . NewBuffer ( requestJSON ) )
req . Header . Set ( "Content-Type" , "application/json" )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Got error while setting up HTTP request for template renderer" )
return nil , err
return req , nil
func addDetailedInfoURLToRenderedReport ( report * types . RenderedReport , infoURL * string ) {
replacer := strings . NewReplacer ( "{module}" , string ( report . RuleID ) , "{error_key}" , string ( report . ErrorKey ) )
detailedInfoURL := replacer . Replace ( * infoURL )
report . Reason += "\n\n[More details](" + detailedInfoURL + ")."