package differ
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
TestEvaluatorDefaultExpression function checks the filter expression
evaluator for default expression used by Notification Service
func TestEvaluatorDefaultExpression ( t * testing . T ) {
const expression = "totalRisk >= totalRiskThreshold"
const totalRiskThreshold = TotalRiskImportant
thresholds := EventThresholds {
Likelihood : 0 ,
Impact : 0 ,
Severity : 0 ,
TotalRisk : totalRiskThreshold ,
eventValue := EventValue {
Likelihood : 0 ,
Impact : 0 ,
Severity : 0 ,
TotalRisk : TotalRiskImportant ,
try all combinations of totalRisk
for totalRisk := 0 ; totalRisk <= 5 ; totalRisk ++ {
update event value
eventValue . TotalRisk = totalRisk
try to evaluate the expression
result , err := evaluateFilterExpression ( expression ,
thresholds , eventValue )
expression should be evaluated w/o errors
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Error is not expected there" )
repeat the expression, but now in Go
if totalRisk >= totalRiskThreshold {
assert . Equal ( t , 1 , result , "Result should be 1" )
} else {
assert . Equal ( t , 0 , result , "Result should be 0" )
TestEvaluatorComplicatedExpression function checks the filter expression
evaluator for custom expression
func TestEvaluatorComplicatedExpression ( t * testing . T ) {
const expression = "totalRisk >= totalRiskThreshold && likelihood+2 > likelihoodThreshold"
const totalRiskThreshold = 3
const likelihoodThreshold = 2
thresholds := EventThresholds {
Likelihood : likelihoodThreshold ,
Impact : 0 ,
Severity : 0 ,
TotalRisk : totalRiskThreshold ,
eventValue := EventValue {
Likelihood : 0 ,
Impact : 0 ,
Severity : 0 ,
TotalRisk : 0 ,
try all combinations of likelihood and totalRisk
for likelihood := 0 ; likelihood <= 5 ; likelihood ++ {
for totalRisk := 0 ; totalRisk <= 5 ; totalRisk ++ {
update event value
eventValue . TotalRisk = totalRisk
eventValue . Likelihood = likelihood
try to evaluate the expression
result , err := evaluateFilterExpression ( expression ,
thresholds , eventValue )
expression should be evaluated w/o errors
assert . NoError ( t , err , "Error is not expected there" )
repeat the expression, but now in Go
if totalRisk >= totalRiskThreshold && likelihood + 2 > likelihoodThreshold {
assert . Equal ( t , 1 , result , "Result should be 1" )
} else {
assert . Equal ( t , 0 , result , "Result should be 0" )
TestEvaluatorEmptyExpression function checks the filter expression
evaluator for expression that is empty
func TestEvaluatorEmptyExpression ( t * testing . T ) {
const expression = ""
const totalRiskThreshold = 3
const likelihoodThreshold = 2
thresholds := EventThresholds {
Likelihood : likelihoodThreshold ,
Impact : 0 ,
Severity : 0 ,
TotalRisk : totalRiskThreshold ,
eventValue := EventValue {
Likelihood : 0 ,
Impact : 0 ,
Severity : 0 ,
TotalRisk : 0 ,
try all combinations of likelihood and totalRisk
for likelihood := 0 ; likelihood <= 5 ; likelihood ++ {
for totalRisk := 0 ; totalRisk <= 5 ; totalRisk ++ {
update event value
eventValue . TotalRisk = totalRisk
eventValue . Likelihood = likelihood
try to evaluate the expression
_ , err := evaluateFilterExpression ( expression ,
thresholds , eventValue )
error should be reported for incorrect expression
assert . Error ( t , err , "Error is expected there" )
TestEvaluatorIncorrectExpression function checks the filter expression
evaluator for expression that is not correct
func TestEvaluatorIncorrectExpression ( t * testing . T ) {
this is wrong expression
const expression = "totalRisk >="
const totalRiskThreshold = 3
const likelihoodThreshold = 2
thresholds := EventThresholds {
Likelihood : likelihoodThreshold ,
Impact : 0 ,
Severity : 0 ,
TotalRisk : totalRiskThreshold ,
eventValue := EventValue {
Likelihood : 0 ,
Impact : 0 ,
Severity : 0 ,
TotalRisk : 0 ,
try all combinations of likelihood and totalRisk
for likelihood := 0 ; likelihood <= 5 ; likelihood ++ {
for totalRisk := 0 ; totalRisk <= 5 ; totalRisk ++ {
update event value
eventValue . TotalRisk = totalRisk
eventValue . Likelihood = likelihood
try to evaluate the expression
_ , err := evaluateFilterExpression ( expression ,
thresholds , eventValue )
error should be reported for incorrect expression
assert . Error ( t , err , "Error is expected there" )
type TestCase struct {
name string
expression string
expectedValue int
TestEvaluatorRelational checks the evaluator.Evaluate function for simple
relational expression
func TestEvaluatorRelational ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] TestCase {
name : "less than" ,
expression : "totalRisk < totalRiskThreshold" ,
expectedValue : 1 ,
} ,
name : "less then or equal" ,
expression : "totalRisk <= totalRiskThreshold" ,
expectedValue : 1 ,
} ,
name : "equal" ,
expression : "totalRisk == totalRiskThreshold" ,
expectedValue : 0 ,
} ,
name : "greater or equal" ,
expression : "totalRisk >= totalRiskThreshold" ,
expectedValue : 0 ,
} ,
name : "greater than" ,
expression : "totalRisk > totalRiskThreshold" ,
expectedValue : 0 ,
} ,
name : "not equal" ,
expression : "totalRisk != totalRiskThreshold" ,
expectedValue : 1 ,
} ,
name : "arithmetic + less than" ,
expression : "totalRisk + 1 < totalRiskThreshold" ,
expectedValue : 0 ,
} ,
name : "arithmetic + less then or equal" ,
expression : "totalRisk + 1 <= totalRiskThreshold" ,
expectedValue : 1 ,
} ,
name : "arithmetic + equal" ,
expression : "totalRisk + 1 == totalRiskThreshold" ,
expectedValue : 1 ,
} ,
name : "arithmetic + greater or equal" ,
expression : "totalRisk + 1 >= totalRiskThreshold" ,
expectedValue : 1 ,
} ,
name : "arithmetic + greater than" ,
expression : "totalRisk + 1 > totalRiskThreshold" ,
expectedValue : 0 ,
} ,
name : "arithmetic + not equal" ,
expression : "totalRisk + 1 != totalRiskThreshold" ,
expectedValue : 0 ,
} ,
const totalRiskThreshold = 3
const totalRisk = 2
thresholds := EventThresholds {
Likelihood : 0 ,
Impact : 0 ,
Severity : 0 ,
TotalRisk : totalRiskThreshold ,
eventValue := EventValue {
Likelihood : 0 ,
Impact : 0 ,
Severity : 0 ,
TotalRisk : totalRisk ,
for _ , tc := range testCases {
t . Run ( tc . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
try to evaluate the expression
result , err := evaluateFilterExpression ( tc . expression ,
thresholds , eventValue )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "unexpected error" )
assert . Equal ( t , tc . expectedValue , result )
} )