package differ
FetchStatusContentError occurs when failing fetching the status content
type FetchStatusContentError struct { }
func ( e * FetchStatusContentError ) Error ( ) string {
return "FetchStatusContentEror"
StatusStorageError is related to any storage error
type StatusStorageError struct { }
func ( e * StatusStorageError ) Error ( ) string {
return "StatusStorageError"
KafkaBrokerError represent an error related to Kafka initialization
type KafkaBrokerError struct { }
func ( e * KafkaBrokerError ) Error ( ) string {
return "KafkaBrokerError"
ServiceLogError represents an error when creating ServiceLog connection
type ServiceLogError struct {
Msg string
func ( e * ServiceLogError ) Error ( ) string {
return e . Msg
StatusMetricsError is related to any storage error
type StatusMetricsError struct { }
func ( e * StatusMetricsError ) Error ( ) string {
return "StatusMetricsError"
StatusConfiguration is related to any configuration error
type StatusConfiguration struct { }
func ( e * StatusConfiguration ) Error ( ) string {
return "StatusConfiguration"
StatusEventFilterError is related to any notification filters configuration error
type StatusEventFilterError struct {
Msg string
func ( e * StatusEventFilterError ) Error ( ) string {
return e . Msg