package differ_test
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupFunction checks if function printNewReportsForCleanup performs
the right query when non empty set is returned.
func TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupFunction ( t * testing . T ) {
cliFlags := types . CliFlags {
MaxAge : "1 day" ,
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster_name" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
these three rows should be returned
rows . AddRow ( 0 , 1000 , "ID=0" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 1001 , "ID=1" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
rows . AddRow ( 2 , 1002 , "ID=2" , time . Now ( ) , 0 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, kafka_offset\n\t\t FROM new_reports\n\t\t WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL\n\t\t ORDER BY updated_at\n"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested function
err := differ . PrintNewReportsForCleanup ( storage , cliFlags )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected while querying database" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupFunctionOnError checks if function printNewReportsForCleanup performs
the right query when non empty set is returned.
func TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupFunctionOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
cliFlags := types . CliFlags {
MaxAge : "1 day" ,
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, kafka_offset\n\t\t FROM new_reports\n\t\t WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL\n\t\t ORDER BY updated_at\n"
let's raise an error!
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := differ . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested function
err := differ . PrintNewReportsForCleanup ( storage , cliFlags )
tested method should NOT return an error
assert . Error ( t , err , "error was expected while querying database" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )