DevProd team update for week of April 7


Job Support#

Clowder now supports Jobs! The usage doc can be found as part of the Clowder docs .

There are still features in flight for full support of IQE Jobs, but most other usecases should be covered. The DevProd team is working to close the IQE gaps, so stay tuned in the coming weeks. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated.

Managed Kafka Support#

The initial work to enable Managed Kafka support is underway. Clowder will need to be modified to enable TLS and Kafka user authentication. A Managed Kafka provider will also need to be created. Keep an eye out for progress updates in demos and future blog posts.

Cyndi Support#

Development work has continued on Cyndi support in Clowder and is now almost complete. This will allow the provisioning of a full cyndi pipeline via Clowder in a local Minikube environment.

SSL Mode Added to database provider#

The database provider will now supply the ssl mode in addition to the CA.


Version 1.0 due soon#

Much attention has been paid to Bonfire over the last few weeks. Version 1.0 is due very soon and with comes a redesigned UX for the CLI, updated template processing and enhancements to the local configuration deployment. If you’re interested in testing the RC version, please take a look here .


We have been working with APP the platform and APP teams to Clowderize their APPS and get everyone on the APP SRE build pipeline. Here is the DOCs if you haven’t seen them yet:

And the CI CD strategy:

We are tracking the Clowder migrations in an aggregated spreadsheet here

With summit we had to put several APPs on hold, we will revisit them when teams are freed up to work on them.


We put out documentation on where we are heading with CI CD strategy:

And we have continued to document the Clowder / APP SRE build pipeline migration:

Here is the link to the workflow if you want to develop Clowder and / or your APP locally:

Coming soon is the DOCs on running jobs / IQE jobs in ephemeral ENVs, we hope to have that ready by April 9th.

V3 Cluster

OSD is no longer adding nodes to the v3 cluster and this is causing some resource issues. We have scaled down as much as possible and are keeping an eye on things. But there isn’t much we can do other than reduce resource usage.

Remember that we REALLY want to have everyone moved over to the APP SRE build pipeline by August 1st and the v3 cluster will be decommissioned by EoY(hopefully sooner if we can get everyone migrated over).